Part 18

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Later that evening, I actually ate dinner with the group (I didn't like the word pack - it was just so...primal).

It was a surprisingly civil affair; there was no mangled deer corpses or rotting rabbits. Just a large, delicious-smelling lamb stew, served out by an elderly woman. When I confronted Luna with my fears of what werewolves ate, she laughed.

"Oh, you know, rabbits and deer. The raw-er and bloodier, the better!"

I think she was joking.

The dining table was massive. It turns out the small one in the kitchen was rarely used, over this one hidden in the large room behind. There was around thirty people helping themselves to dinner, including old women and toddlers of all ages. I hid behind Luna, timidly accepting a bowl of food and sitting down next to her.

"Go talk to him!" she mumbled into my ear and I glimpsed at where he was sat, in the middle of a group of laughing teenage boys.

"I think I'll wait for a bit..." I replied vaguely, bolting down the steaming stew - which was simply amazing.

When the boys dispersed, I tapped Rafael on the shoulder.

"Can I have a word?" I hissed and he grinned , following me into the hallway.

It was deserted, thankfully and I slouched against a random doorframe, trying to look blasé but failing miserably when I tumbled backwards. He stretched a strong hand out and steadied me, smirking.

"Okay, let's make a deal"

"A deal?" he raised an eyebrow, still smiling as if amused by something I'd said.

"Yeah. We can be...friends, if you drop that whole cocky-smug-too cool for school persona" I said, trying to keep my tone steady. He looked as if he was trying not to laugh.

"Ok" he said, finally.

"That means no laughing at me or insulting me or trying to be possessive or losing your temper" I listed off, with my fingers. He chuckled lightly, trying to cover it with a cough.

"My, aren't we demanding?" he said, amusedly. I frowned.

"Do we have a deal or not?"

He pretended to look as if he was thinking for minute or so before nodding. I smiled.


I turned to walk back into the dining hall when he caught my wrist and spun me round to face him, dropping it quickly when I looked down and frowned.

"So, do you want to do something tonight? As friends?" he said and I swear there was a pleading edge to his voice. I smirked and pretended to think before nodding hesitantly. His face lit up.

"See you at 6!" he said before disappearing, not giving me a chance to protest. I shrugged and walked back to the dining hall. As long as he brought free food.

True to his word, a sharp knock resounded from my bedroom door at one minute to 6. I decided to wear something overly casual so he wouldn't get the wrong idea but at the same time, ensured I was suitable in case anyone saw me.

He made as if he was going to hold my hand so I hastily patted my hair with it until he had got the message and began to lead us through the mansion. I followed, having to run to match his strides and we emerged into the kitchen. A steaming pizza was balanced on a baking tray on the table, next to a couple of plates.

"Thought I'd make tea" he announced casually.

I glanced at the work-top and sink, which were both suspiciously clean. I opened the bin and stuffed in the top was a takeaway pizza wrapper. I raised an eyebrow at Rafael. He shrugged guiltily.

I was too hungry to cause much of a fuss and grabbed a slice, taking a giant bite. He smiled and took another. I slid into a chair to sit at the table and he copied my motions, sitting opposite.

"So..." I said awkwardly, nibbling at the pizza crust "How are things?"

He nodded "Good"

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"Shall we go then?" he finally said. I mentally sighed with relief; if all we were going to do was eat pizza, then it was going to be a long night.

"Where are we going?" I asked, suddenly curious. He smirked.

"For a run"

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