Part 6

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My eyes fluttered open.

I groaned; my head was pounding so hard I thought it would explode. I eased myself up from a lying position.

I was sprawled out on a luxurious, king-sized bed, in one of the largest bedrooms I had ever seen. It had a red and gold theme, with a mammoth wardrobe and TV opposite the bed. I rubbed my forehead.

Images of Rafael attacking me invaded my foggy brain and I physically leapt off the bed. At the same time, the door on the other side of the bedroom flew open and Rafael charged in. I automatically shrank back against the wall next the bed as he approached me. Seeing my reaction, he slowed just short of the bed.

We stood in silence for a few seconds.

"Care to explain?" I finally announced. He grimaced.

"You hit your head?" he suggested unconvincingly. I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't insult my intelligence" I said brusquely. He sighed.

"You won't believe it"

"I don't care"

"Well...I'm not exactly human. I'm a werewolf."

He paused, watching my face. I didn't show any emotion, keeping my face expressionless. I waited, wondering how he was going to explain away this story. At least it would be mildly entertained.

"We moved to this area because we won the territory from of the most powerful werewolf packs in England. The miles of empty woodland making it one of the most sort after land in England."

This guy was insane. But strong - and convinced he's a werewolf - so I decided to humour him.

" everyone who lives here a wolf?" I asked. At my apparent acceptance, he nodded eagerly.

"Yeah. There's about twenty five wolves in our pack - which is considered very big"

I nodded slowly. So was everyone else here convinced they were wolves? Or did they just humour him, like me? If so, why did they let him out? I bit my lip.

"So why exactly are you telling me this?"

He now appeared slightly nervous for the first time since I saw him.

" know...I kinda attacked you so you deserved an explanation."

Wow, thanks Rafael, you've cleared that up for me.

"Um, thanks, I guess. I'll just leave now." I edged towards the door but Rafael cut me short, by standing in front of me.

"Wait - you don't want me to explain anymore? You can't tell anyone"

"My lips are sealed" I said quickly and squeezed past him, darting out the room. He didn't make any attempt to stop me. I found myself down a large hallway and headed for the nearest flight of stairs, figuring they'd lead to the ground floor eventually, and finally the door.

After a few minutes of staggering around in confusion, I spotted the front door. I was reaching for the handle when Luna appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi Keira!" she squealed. I smiled with fake enthusiasm, wanting nothing more than to just escape this crazy house without anymore interferences but I find it hard to stifle my curiosity when it arises.

"Um, is Rafael alright?" I asked her tentatively. She looked baffled for a moment.

"I think so - why?"

"Well, he just told me he's a werewolf..." I hinted. Realization dawned in her stormy grey eyes.

"Oh! He told you! Oh, that's great! Does that mean you'll be hanging out with us? We've never really hung out with a human! Unless..."

Great. Rafael wasn't the only one. I was stuck in a house of psychos. I struggled to maintain my smile.

"Yeah, sure. See you later" I said, before flinging open the door and literally sprinting through it.

The gravel crunched beneath my shoes as I hurried down the mansion's drive, with not so much as a backwards glance.

I certainly wouldn't be paying them another visit.

My English exercise book was still scrunched up in my sweating palms.

Rafael's biography sure will be interesting.

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