Chapter 1

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Previously on Prologue

I head over to my apartment and open the door. I'm still tired from all the journey. So I'm going to bed. I laid on my bed after I change my clothes to my pyjamas. Instantly I fall asleep.

-First Day: Ninja Academy-



Everything is dark. I can see my death Mother and little Brother. Then my Mom suddenly rise and points her finger at me. "Look at what you've done! You killed us" she said. I shook my head "no! I didn't... I-" I was cut of by a voice behind me. "You're a murderer..." It was dad. "Dad! No I didn't..." I cry. "If you did as I told and keep it a secret.... None of this would've happened. You've killed us" Mom said. Her face become distorted. I fall on my knees. I clutch my hair "stop... I didn't... I never ask for this to happen" I cried. Their voice still haunting my thought.

"Stop it!!!!" I scream

End of dream

I jolt awake. I place my hand in my chest, where my heart is. I take a deep breath "calm down, Y/N. It's just a nightmare..." I say to myself. Once I'm calm I look out the window and notice it's already morning.

I sigh and get up of the bed. I walk over to the wardrobe and took out my ninja outfit. I head to the bathroom and begin showering. I let the water drip from my head as I close my eyes. Tears starts to stream down. 'Mom... B/N... I'm so sorry' I thought.

I finish my showering and got out of the cubicle. I dress myself, then walk out of the bathroom. I make my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

After I eat breakfast, I put away the dirty dishes on the sink. Then I walk out of the apartment and lock the door.

I begin walking down. I put on my hoodie of my ninja outfit.

I don't want anyone to notice me

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I don't want anyone to notice me. I can feel every eyes is on me. Probably because they haven't see me or the fact that I'm wearing an outfit with Uchiha crest on the back. But whatever.

After a while of walking, I finally reached the academy. I reach to the class and give it a knock. The door opens to reveal, Iruka-sensei. "Ah... You must be the new student" he moves aside and let me in. I walk forward with my hood still on.

"Can you put your hood down and introduce yourself?" Iruka asks. I look up at him, then I sigh. I pull down my hoodie to reveal my h/l h/c. "My name is Uchiha Y/N... That's all you need to know about me" I said, coldly. The girls are glaring at me. While the guy is staring at me with heart eyes. But I just ignore them.

Sasuke P.O.V

What? Another Uchiha... It can't be. I'm the only survival. Unless... She was spared to. Tch. Whatever. She'll probably be another fangirl.


"Y/N... There's two empty seat available. Go on and sit anywhere you'd like" Iruka-sensei said to me. I nod at him and walk forward. I took a seat next to a blonde boy. Gasp of shock is heard all over the room. "I can't believe it... She chose to sit with him?" "Why wouldn't she sit next to Sasuke-Kun?" "I would sit with Sasuke-Kun if I'm her"

"You would... But I'm not you, so stop making stupid comments" I say not looking at them. They gasp, thinking I wouldn't hear them.

"Okay class! Since Naruto missed the lesson yesterday... You'll be reviewing the transformation jutsu" Iruka-sensei said. All the student groans in frustration, except me... Sasuke, and a blue haired girl with pale violet eyes. A Hyuga.

"First up! Sakura" Iruka-sensei said. Then a pink haired girl steps forward. "Alright Sakura here! Transform" she said, transforming into Iruka-sensei. "Transform into me... Good" Ieuka sensei praise. "Yayyy!!! Did you see that Sasuke-Kun? Did you see that?" She squeal. "Tch.. Stupid fangirl" I said. She glares at me, but I just roll my eyes.

One by one everyone walk forward to perform their jutsu. Then it was my turn. I was about to step forward, when an annoying fangirl said something "Iruka-sensei! She's new, what could she possibly do?" Sakura said. I smirk, then I transform into a white lion, without any hand sign. Their eyes widened. I transform back "what could I possibly do? More than you, that's for sure" I said, smirking. Then I walk back to my seat. Ignoring all the gawking and blushing they all send me.

The class was soon ended. So I head out of the class. I walk towards the lake where I used to he as kid.

I sit in silent as I feel the breeze around me

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I sit in silent as I feel the breeze around me. I hug my knee close to me. "Mom... B/N.... I'm so sorry, if I would've listen to you... You won't be killed because of me. I'm so sorry..." I cried.

Sasuke P.O.V

I'm just walking around, when I hear a sound. It seems like someone is crying. Curious... I decide to follow the voice.

When I get there, I see a silhouette of someone hunching over. It sounds like the crying sound is coming from that person. I walk forward silently. When I get a closer look, I recognise the figure as Y/N. The new girl.

I hid behind a tree as I watch her. She keep mumbling I'm sorry. What's wrong with her? What did she mean by she caused her Mom and Brother to get killed?

"You know... It's rude to be spying on someone" I heard a voice above me. I jump and look up. Leaning on a branch looking down at me is... Y/N. "Bu-" I start, I look to where she previously seated to see an empty spot.

I turn to her again. "How?" I asks. She raised and eyebrow at me. She jumps down and landed perfectly on her feet in front of me.  "We're Uchihas. We're taught about genjutsu, the ability to create illusion. Have anyone ever told you that?" She said. I flinch at the coldness in her voice.


He stayed silent after I said that. "What do you want? Why are you spying on me?" I asks him. "I'm just curious" he said. "Curious? About what?" I ask. "Are you really an Uchiha?" He said. I roll my eyes and walk closer to him. I look at him with my Sharingan activated. His eyes widened "you really are an Uchiha... Where have you been?" He asks. "None of your business" I said, coldly. I turn around and leave before he could say anything.

I reach my home and take a quick shower. Once I'm done, I put on my pyjamas and laid on my bed. 'Why is he so curious about me? I can't blame him... I would too, if I'm in his position who thought I'm the only survivor, then out of no where another person come and claim to be an Uchiha' I thought. I sigh "why am I even thinking about this?" I say to myself. I turn and lay on my side. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

*to be continued*

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