Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

"O-Orochimaru..." I manage to let out. The woman giggles in respond. "Ah you do remember me, Y/N-Chan" she said. I just look at her, as my body starts to shake more.


-Battle Against Orochimaru-


I can't move.... I'm scared. Orochimaru keep staring at me with his snake like eyes. Sasuke seems to be frozen from fear as well, since both of us is standing unmoving.

"You think you can escape me Y/N-Chan? I will get you back" Orochimaru said. Sasuke moves closer to me. One of his arms is outstretch in front of me, trying to act like a shield. 'Even though he's scared... He still tries to keep me safe' I thought, looking at Sasuke.

Orochimaru starts laughing. "Oh how sweet... Young love" He said. His laugh makes me shiver. It sounded so sinister.

Then he starts attacking us. Sasuke grabs me by the waist and jump out of the way. We hid behind a tree. Sakura is right next to us. She looks at Sasuke, more specifically his tight. He stabs himself to get him to move. "Sasuke! Are y-" Sasuke cuts her off by placing his hand on her mouth.

Then we sense something coming. I jump out of the way with Sasuke and Sakura following. We landed on the branch as Orochimaru is standing on the one across from us.

'Come on Y/N... This isn't the time to get scared.... I have to do something, or Sasuke would get hurt' I thought to myself. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I open my eyes and activate Sharingan. I shakily get up "I won't let you hurt anyone the way you do to me" I said. This time I manage to stand steadily. Orochimaru looks at me with a smirk. "Ah... I see you've activate your Sharingan... You've grown well" He said, looking amused. I just stay silent glaring at him.

I make a hand sign "Fire Style: Fire Bullets!" I yelled and start shooting the fire bullets at him. He jumps out of the way. I jump straight at him and start attacking him.

After a while of fighting I drop to my knees feeling exhausted. 'Should I use it?' I thought to myself.

I was about to use it when Naruto joins the fight. Sasuke took out the scroll "this is what you want, yes? Take it and leave us" he said. Then he throw the scroll to Orochimaru. Naruto jumps and grab the scroll. Sasuke and Naruto start having an argument.

Orochimaru's snake advance at Sasuke. I try to save him but my legs gave out. Naruto appears in front of Sasuke and grab the snake.

"Hey... You're not scared, are ya? Scaredy cat" Naruto said. He looks up, revealing his face that resembles a fox. 'Naruto went to Kyuubi mode' I thought. Orochimaru's tongue went to grab Naruto. "Hey! Get of me you freak!" Naruto yelled. Orochimaru use a seal technique and jammed his fingers on Naruto's stomach. Naruto screams in pain. "Naruto!!" I scream. Orochimaru threw Naruto away. I quickly throw a kunai and pinned him to the tree.

I stand shakily. My eyes made contact with Sasuke's. We give each other a curt nod. Then Sasuke and I starts fighting with Orochimaru.

I laid breathlessly on my stomach. I have no choice... I guess I have to use it. The reason I don't wanna use it, is because if Orochimaru knows about it. He'll stop at nothing to try and get me. But I don't have a choice.

I shakily get up and look at him. "Todomeki!" I said. My eyes turns to black and blue.

Orochimaru froze

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Orochimaru froze. "Burn!!!" I screams. Then flames starts to appear around him, burning him. He screams in pain.

His skin starts to peel off. He looks at me and smirk. I drop to my knees and starts breathing heavily. Orochimaru starts chuckling.

"My.... That's even powerful than Sharingan..." He said. Then his neck starts extending toward me. Before he could bit me, Sasuke appears in front of me and take it instead. "Sasuke!!!" I scream. He screams when Orochimaru bit him. Then he drops to the ground, clutching his shoulder in pain.

Orochimaru smirks and perform another one on me. I try to move out of the way, but my body is too weak to move. He bits my neck. I scream from the pain it caused me. I drop to my knees.

My eyes starts to blur out. I look up at Orochimaru to see him standing right in front of me. Despite having a hard time to see, I can see his smirk. "You will come to me, Y/N..." He said. Then he disappear. That's the last thing I see, then everything turns black.


I woke up to see its dark. I sense a dark chakra next to me. I turn my head to see Sasuke. He's standing with a weird marks covering half of his body.

Then I turn my attention the other way. There is sound ninjas. Sasuke turns to Sakura who looks really beaten up. 'What's happening?' I thought to myself.

"Sakura... Who did this to you?" Sasuke said. "S-Sasuke-Kun... What's happening to you?" She asks. Sasuke looks down to his hand "it's nothing... I suddenly feel a strong power flowing inside me" he said, then he starts laughing.

'He's acting weird... What's happening to him?' I thought. Then my eyes widened in realisation. 'Orochimaru... He must be the reason.'

I turn to look at Sasuke as he sped off. In a blink of an eye, Sasuke had one of the sound ninja by the arms. "You seem really attached to these arms.... What would you do if I take it away?" Sasuke said. Then he starts pulling on it. A loud crack is heard. The guys screams in pain.

Sasuke makes his way to another one. 'This isn't Sasuke... He wouldn't go around hurting people' I thought. I run forward and hug him. "Sasuke... That's enough... This isn't you" I whispers. "Y/N... Move" he said. I shook my head and cup his cheeks. "Sasuke... Please... This isn't you... I want my Sasuke back... The real Sasuke... Please..." I plead. He looks at me, then the marks starts to vanish. He collapse and I cradle him in my arms.

He looks at his hand with his eyes wide. "w-what have I b-become?" He said, shakily. I hug him tightly "it's okay... You'll be okay..." I said. I wince and clutch my shoulder. Orochimaru have marked me as well.

I have to do something, before it gets worse

*to be continued*

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