Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

My eyes turns normal. As I felt exhausted. I pant, then I collapse. I see someone running towards me. That's the last thing I see. Then everything turns black.

-Returning to Konoha-


I woke up to find myself in a room. I try to get up, but my body felt weak. So I just look around the room.

I felt a hand holding my right hand. I turn my head to see who it was. My eyes widened when I see it was Sasuke. I lift my hand and place it on his head. He wakes up and look at me.

"You're awake..." He said. He place a hand on my forehead, caressing it softly. "How long was I out?" I asks. "3 days..." He said. My eyes widened "that long?" I asks. He nods his head. Then I remember what happens. "Sasuke... You're still alive... How? I don't feel your pulse when I check you" I said. He shrugs his shoulder in respond "I don't know myself. I guess I'm still given a chance to live on" he said.

I try to sit up. "You shouldn't move much. Your body is still weak" he said. "I'm... Fine" I said. I look at him after I manage to sit up. "where are we?" I asks him. "Still in the Land of Wave. Sensei suggest we should let you rest before we head back to Konoha" he said. "I see..." I said.

The door opens to reveal Kakashi-Sensei with the rest of the group. "I see you're awake, Y/N" he said. I smile at him "yeah..." I said. "How are you feeling now?" He asks. "I'm good..." I said. He nods his head "good... Then we can head back to Konoha tomorrow" he said. I just nod my head in respond.

The Next Day

We are now standing on the bridge that's finally done. "Thank you so much! We wouldn't have able to finish the bridge without your help" Mr. Tazuna said. "You're welcome...." Sensei said. "Please be sure to visit us soon" Mr. Tazuna said.

Naruto and Inari is holding their tears, trying to look tough. "Don't worry Inari, we'll come and visit" I say. "Promise?" He asks. I smile "promise" I said. He runs to me and hug my waist. "I'm gonna miss you, Nee-San" he said. "I'll miss you too" I said, patting his head softly. We wave goodbye one more time, then we turn to leave.


We finally reached back to Konoha. "You can go on with what you want to do... I'm gonna report our result to the Hokage" Kakashi-Sensei said. Then he use teleportation jutsu and leave us.

"I'm gonna head home and rest... I'm still tired" I said. They nod their heads. "Rest well, Y/N-Chan" Naruto said. I smile at him. "Bye!!" I said, turning around and head home.

After I reach home. I change my clothes to my casual outfit and lay on my bed. Instantly fall asleep, from all the exhaustion.

I woke up the next day. "Woah... How long did I sleep?" I said to myself, realising it's already morning. I shrug my shoulder and get up from the bed. I head to the bathroom and starts my morning routine.

I head to the meeting point where everyone is going to be. The only person there is Sasuke. "Morning, Sasuke" I said, smiling at him. He turns to me and smile. He rarely smiles, in the only on who gets to see him smile. "Morning babe" he said. I stand next to him and he wrap his arm around my shoulder.

The others soon arrive. Sasuke still have his arm around my shoulder. Sakura is staring at me with jealousy. But I just ignore her. She needs to get over it.

Kakashi-Sensei came 2 hour later, earning a yell from Naruto and Sakura. Kakashi-Sensei just brush it off. "Anyway... I've notice that your teamwork is weakening. So I'm gonna give you a Mission to do for your teamwork" he said. "It's all his fault! He thinks he's better than anyone... That's why our teamwork is messed up" Naruto yelled, pointing at Sasuke. "Hey that's you!" Sasuke yelled back. I pull his arm to stop him from starting a fight.

After The Mission

Naruto kept messing up through out the Mission. When we are told to pull out wild grass of a lady's yard. Naruto pull out a herb, resulting him getting beaten up. Then when we are told to pick out some trash. Naruto slipped and got taken away by the water. Lastly we are told to walk a puppy. Naruto picks the biggest one, he got dragged to a mine field.

So now I'm helping Naruto to walk. Kakashi-Sensei sigh as he looks at us. Sasuke said something to make Naruto mad. Sakura of course is siding Sasuke.

Kakashi-Sensei told us he needs to report the result to the Hokage and poof away. "I'm gonna get going" Sasuke said. Sakura stops him "uh... Sasuke-Kun, why don't we do something to increase our teamwork... Just the two of us" Sakura said. Sasuke turns to her with an annoyed expression. "You're just as bad as Naruto... Instead of bothering me, do something to improve your strength" he said. He's about to walk away when he stops and turn to Sakura again. "One more thing... Stop trying to flirt with me. My Girlfriend is there" Sasuke said. Then he turns to me "you coming?" He asks. "I need to by some grocery... I'll catch up with you later, 'Kay?" I asks. He nods his head, then he walks away.

Sakura looks depressed. "How about you and I do something together" Naruto said. Sakura turns to him with an angry expression. She push Naruto away. "Hey! That's private conversation... Quit eavesdropping!" Sakura yelled. I sigh at the two and so I just decide to walk away.

*to be continued*

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