Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

He starts the lesson and congratulate us on graduating. He said we will have a long journey as a shinobi. Then he said he'll be putting us into a 3 man squad.

-New Team and Sensei-


Iruka-Sensei keep talking about random things. Then he starts dividing us into teams. I just zone out and wait for my name to be mentioned.

"Due to an uneven number of students. This squad will have 4 members" Iruka-Sensei said. "Team 7.... Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura *Naruto cheers while Sakura sulk* Uchiha Sasuke *their reaction switch* and lastly.... Uchiha Y/N" I just remain silent. The boys groan in disappointment.

Once Iruka-Sensei finished dividing us into teams, Naruto gets up "Sensei! Why a great ninja like me have to be on the same team as him" he yell, pointing at Sasuke.

"Sasuke has the second best scores in this class. While you have the lowest score. To balance things out... We put the two best scores with the lowest score" Iruka-Sensei said. The other students laugh at Naruto as he sulks.

"Just make sure to get out of my way, loser" Sasuke said. "What did you say?!" Naruto yelled. "Hard of hearing?" Sasuke said, they start glaring at each other. A tick mark appears in my head as I smack both of them. "That's enough! Both of you" I say sternly. everyone else just stares at me wide-eyed. Some of the girls is glaring at me. But I ignore them.

"Iruka-Sensei! You said Sasuke is the second best scores" one of the girls said. "Yeah?" He asks. "Who's the first one?" Another asks. He looks down to the board he's holding. "That would be Y/N" he said. Gasp is heard all over the room. "But Sensei! She's new here.... How is it possible that she's in the 1st place?" Another said.

"It seems that Y/N is a former student, that was until she went missing. Then she came back and still hold onto that record" Iruka-Sensei said. I tense when he said that I went missing. If only they know what happens to me throughout the time I'm gone.

Iruka-Sensei told us that we'll we meeting our new Sensei at noon. So we'll be out to eat our lunch.

I just walk out of the academy and head home for a bit. I cook a few simple things. Then I start eating. Once I'm done, I head outside. I notice Sasuke is walking towards me. But his chakra signature is different.

I walk past me "hey..." He said. "Lay off Naruto... I know it's you" I said. His eyes widened "how?" He asks. "Your chakra, it's obvious that you're not Sasuke" I said. "Oh.." He said. "What are you doing transforming into him any way?" I asks him. "I just thought it would be fun" he said. "Whatever... Bye..." I said, walking past him.

"Bye!!" He heard him said. I just shake my head. 'Whatever Naruto planning to do, I'm sure Sasuke won't be happy about it' I thought.

Then after a while of walking, I came across Sasuke and Sakura. I lower my chakra so they wouldn't notice and hid behind a tree. "You know why Naruto is annoying?" Sakura said. Then she starts bad mouthing about him. I've had enough. "Sakura... You know nothing about Naruto. What it feels like to be alone, you have no right to talk about him like that. Stop talking nonsense about him" I say, coldly as I walk out of my hiding spot. "Y/N-Chan?? What do you mean? Why did you say that?" She asks, clearly surprise by my sudden appearance. "Because...." I start, but was cut off by Sasuke. "You're annoying!" He said. Then Sasuke walks off, he grabs my wrist in process dragging me with him.

I keep walking with Sasuke's hand on my wrist I sigh in annoyance "Oi! Why are you dragging me?" I said. He instantly let my arm go. His face slowly turning red. "Oooh~ is Sasuke actually embarrassed about this?" I cooed, making him turn even more red. I laugh at his reaction.

Sasuke P.O.V

'This is the first time I head Y/N laugh. I have to admit, it's really cute' I thought as I stare at her, who seem oblivious about it. I can feel my heart is beating faster in my chest. I guess.... I really am in love with her.

I shake my head. 'No! I can't think like that! I have to focus on my purpose' I thought. I clear my throat. "Would you stop laughing already? We have to head to class now. It's almost time to meet our new Sensei" I said to her. She stops laughing "alright... Let's go" she said, then she starts walking away.



Our new Sensei is getting really late. I sigh as I laid my head on the desk. Naruto is whining over how our Sensei is being the only one late. Sakura is trying to get him to stop. I zone out everything else and just close my eyes, maybe I could get a short nap, since it seems like our Sensei isn't coming any time soon.

Sasuke's P.O.V

'The other two is being so noisy. Why can't they just be silent for a bit?' I thought as I turn to look at Y/N to see her sleeping. She looks so peaceful.

Then I notice Naruto is placing a chalk eraser on the door. "Our Sensei is a jounin. Do you really think he/she would fall for that?" I tell him. Sakura of course is siding me. Then a hand is placed on the door and it slides open. The chalk fall on top of his head. My eye twitched 'is he really a jounin?' I thought.

"How do I put this... All of you are a bunch of idiots" he said. Then he turns to a sleeping Y/N. He took out a Kunai and throw it at her.

Y/N quickly got up and catch the Kunai in her hand. "That's not very nice, Kakashi-Sensei" she said. My eyes widened "how did you?"


I turn to Sasuke. "Ninja have to be on guard. You never know when you'll be attacked" I said.

"Except her" I heard Kakashi-Sensei said. "Huh?" I asks looking around, completely oblivious to what they are talking about. They just sweat-dropped.

Kakashi-Sensei took us on top of the roof. Then he told us to introduce ourself. We introduce ourself one by one.

After introducing, Kakashi-Sensei told us that we each have our own unique. Then he told us to be at the training field tomorrow at 5 for a practice.

Before leaving, he told us to skip breakfast or we'll puke. 'Whatever... I need breakfast to have energy for tomorrow' I thought and head home.

*to be continued*

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