Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

We turn around and face Anko. We stand ready to go. "Alright. Count down from 5. Then you may enter the Forest" she said. "5.... 4.... 3...." She starts. I look at Sasuke and he looks back. We give each other a nod. "2...." I turn to Sakura to see her slightly tense. "Relax Sakura-Chan... Remember what I said earlier, okay?" I said smiling at her. She nods her head and smile at me. "1! Go!!!" Anko voice roared and we run in.

The second phase of Chunnin Exam has officially started

-Chunnin Exam: Forest of Death Part 2-


We run in the forest. "What now?" I asks, looking at my comrades. Naruto shrugs and Sakura just stayed silent. Let's look for a safe place... Then we'll make a plan there" Sasuke said. I nod my head in agreement. Then a loud scream is heard.

Sakura paled. "What is that?" She said. I place my hand on her shoulder "calm down Sakura-Chan... I'll protect you" I said. Then we start making our way deeper to the forest.

Then Naruto start making weird sound. "I-I... Gotta pee" he said. Then he went over to a tree and start unzipping his pants. Sakura run to him and smack his head. "No you don't! There's girls here... Do it else where!" Sakura yelled at Naruto. Naruto pout, then he went away.

After a while he walks back. But I can instantly tell that it's not Naruto, but an imposter. "Man, that was a lot... I can even write my name" he said. Sakura scold him for being gross. But I just took out my Kunai and throw it at him. He jumps out of the way. Then Sasuke throw a kick.

"Guys! I know he's being disgusting. But don't you think it's too far?" Sakura said. "Sakura.... Look at him! He's not Naruto" I said, pointing at the imposter. Sasuke starts pointing out the flaw of the transformation jutsu.

Then he transforms back to reveal a sound ninja. Sasuke starts fighting. I went off to look for Naruto. I found him getting tied behind a bush. I took out my Kunai and cut of the rope. "Seriously Naruto... You should be more aware of your surrounding... Idiot" I said, hitting his shoulder. He winced in pain. "Let's go back to the others" I said. He nods his head, his hand is still holding his shoulder.

The 4 of us is gathering around in circle. "After what happens earlier, now we know that we  can't trust anyone by their appearance. So we need to make a password" I suggest. "That's a good idea" Sasuke said, agreeing with me. "But what would the password be?" Sakura asks. I turn to Sasuke "Sasuke... you decide what the password gonna be" I said. He nod his head "the password will be the ninja song. When you are asks 'when will a ninja attack?' The answer is.... A ninja attack when the enemy isn't on guard, when their weapons is left forgotten on the night. That's when the ninja attacks" He said. All of us manage to memories it, well not Naruto. He looked lost. "Um... Can you make a shorter one?" Naruto said. "No... That is the password. Now we should get going" Sasuke said.

Then all the sudden a strong wind came and blow us away. I quickly grab onto the branch, using my chakra to make my grip stronger. I duck down behind the tree until the wind stop. I stand up. 'A wind like that must be coming from someone. There's no way a natural wind would be that strong. It's not a storm either. The sky is bright. So... It's gotta be someone' I thought. Then I remember the sand Genin. 'Must be her... She brings that giant fan on her back... So it gotta be her' I thought. I shake my head. Now is not the time to be thinking about it. I need to look for the others. "Sharingan!" I say. Then I start jumping from tree to tree.

I land right in front of Sasuke. "Sasuke!" I exclaim. He turns to me in a battle stance. "When will a ninja attack?" He asks. I answer smoothly. He relax and walk over to me, pulling me into a hug. "I'm glad you're safe... I'm so worried about you" he whispers. I hug him back. Then we heard rustling behind us. Sasuke and I pull away from each other. "When will a ninja attack?" Sasuke asks. Sakura manage to answer it smoothly.

"All we have to do is to find Naruto" I said. They nod their heads and we start making our way. Then someone appears. It's Naruto, he walks over to us. I took out my sword and point it at him. "When will a ninja attack?" I asks. He manage to answer it. I smirk 'what a lame jutsu' I thought.

Sasuke went to attack him. I appear behind the imposter and kick him. He throw a punch at me and I jump out of the way. "Sasuke-Kun! Y/N-Chan! Why would you attack him? He manage to answer it right" Sakura yelled. I turn to her "you really think Naruto could memories it all? He have trouble remembering it earlier... You need to focus!" I yelled. Sasuke turns to the imposter "now... Show yourself!" Sasuke yelled.

The imposter stand straight and look at us. His tongue coming out. My eyes widened as I start to shake. "Oh no..." I said. The imposter turn back to his original form. The woman from earlier or I know better.... Orochimaru.

She turns to me "it's been a long time.... Y/N-Chan" she said. Sasuke turns to me "you know her?" He asks. I didn't answer him. How can I? I can't barely breathe properly. Sasuke realise my condition "Y/N! What's wrong?" Sasuke exclaim.

"O-Orochimaru..." I manage to let out. The woman giggles in respond. "Ah you do remember me, Y/N-Chan" she said. I just look at her, as my body starts to shake more.


*to be continued*

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