Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

Before leaving, he told us to skip breakfast or we'll puke. 'Whatever... I need breakfast to have energy for tomorrow' I thought and head home.

-Training Test-


I woke up an hour early, since I don't want to be late. I head to the bathroom and start getting a shower. Once I'm done, I head to the kitchen to make a simple bread toast. I walk out of my house after locking it. I walk in silent as I ate.

As I walk, I heard someone calling me. I turn around to see Sasuke. "Morning..." I say. He looks at me, then at the bread in my hand. "You shouldn't be eating breakfast, you know" he said. I shrug "he said 'I suggest you don't eat breakfast or you'll puke.' I need to eat something or I won't have any energy. Beside... I'll be fine" I said. "Suit yourself..." He said. Then we continue to make our way to the training ground, walking side by side.

After a while of walking, we finally reached the training ground. When we get there, we realise the others haven't got here yet. "Looks like we are here early" I say to Sasuke. He just nod in respond.

I went to take a sit under a tree. Sasuke went over and sit next to me. I lean my head to the tree and look up at the sky. I just sit there in silent as my mind slowly drifted of to my mom.


I'm helping my mom cooking as always. I was so happy, because I got the highest score in class. As I cook I turn to my mom. "Mom! Guess what!" I say. She turns to me and smile "what is it, sweetie" she said. "I got the highest score today. I won on a sparing contest" I said happily. She smiles and run her hand to my hair.

End of flashback

'Mom.... I miss you so much...' I thought to myself. I felt a hand on my cheek, wiping away the tear. That's when I notice that I've been crying. I turn to see Sasuke looking at me with a worried gaze. "Why are you crying, Y/N?" He asks. I look down "I just miss my mom" I said. He looks at me with a sad gaze. "Yeah... Me too. Sometimes I would always remember my family... Mostly my mom, since she's the most caring" he said. I look at him.

I laid my head on his shoulder. He stiffen for a moment, then he relax. "I hope you don't mind, Sasuke. But I'm really tired, I don't get enough sleep last night. So I'm gonna take a short nap" I say. I feel him nod, as if to say that he didn't mind. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

Sasuke P.O.V

I look down as I hear a soft snore coming from Y/N. She's looks so peaceful as she sleeps. I smile as I put a strand of hair behind her ear softly, so I can see her face. She's looks so... Beautiful. My heart starts to beat faster as I stare at her face. 'Y/N.... I think I know what I feel now...' I thought. Without thinking, I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

'I'm in love with you, Y/N'



I woke up to someone shaking me. I groan and open my eyes. "Do you have a good sleep?" I heard someone asks me. I look up to see, Kakashi-Sensei. "Not bad... It's a pretty decent nap" I say. I realise the sun has rise. By the look of it, it must be around 7 a.m.

"Did you just got here?" I asks him. "No... I've been here for a while" he said. "Liar! Sasuke would've woke me up... Besides, you look way too fresh" I say, looking at him sceptically. He just laugh nervously. "You're too observant, Y/N" he said, while dropping a sweat. I smile "I'm gonna take that as a compliment, thank you" I said, bowing slightly.

Then he moves to place a clock on top of a stone. Then he turn to us and took out 3 bells. "Now... For the survival test, all you need to do is to get this bells from me" he said. "Wait! There's four of us. Why is there only 3 bells?" Sakura-Chan asks. "Those who fails to get the bells from me will be tied up into that post and that person will be send back to the academy. Then again.... All of you can fail. You are free to use any type of technique and your weapon as well" he said. I smirk as I took out a Kunai and starts twirling it in my finger "fine by me" I say. Kakashi-Sensei looks at me nervously.

"But those weapons are dangerous Sensei" I heard Sakura said. "Yeah... Especially when you can't even dodge an eraser" Naruto said, while laughing. "Class clowns usually have a big mouth... It's best to ignore them, low scores, looser" Kakashi said, tauntingly. Naruto growl in respond. "When I say start, you may begin. Ready?" But before he could continue. Naruto charge at him. In an instant, Kakashi-Sensei is behind Naruto as he held the Kunai close to Naruto's head. The others steps back in shock, while I just stand there looking bored. "How are you not surprise, Y/N-Chan?" I heard Sakura asks me. "I've known Kakashi-Sensei long before he became our Sensei. I know how strong he is" I say without looking at her.

"Be patient... I didn't even say start yet, but you come at me with full intention of killing. How do I put it now? Hmm... I actually starts to like you guys" Kakashi-Sensei said. "Now... Start!!" He said. Then everyone fled off to hide and make up a plan.

I know the secret to this is teamwork. I try to tell everyone about this, but none of them listen. So I fight Kakashi-Sensei on my own and manage to grab the bells. I give one each to the others. But Kakashi-Sensei still fails them. But he gave them a second chance. He told them they could start eating, but Naruto didn't get any because he tries to eat it. But they still feed Naruto when Kakashi-Sensei and I are hiding. In the end Kakashi-Sensei passed everyone.

"Alright... Congratulation for passing. Team 7 will have the first Mission tomorrow" Kakashi-Sensei said before leaving, followed by the other two. "Hey!! I knew you guys would leave me!" Naruto screams. "I'm still here, you know?" I said.

Team 7 is officially formed. Tomorrow we'll have our first Mission and I'm
up for challenges

*to be continued*

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