Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

The last thing I see is someone jumping down from the podium and starts running to me. Then everything turns black.

-Sasuke Departure-


The Chunnin exam has ended a few months ago. Sasuke got hospitalised. I would come and visit him from time to time. Each time of visits I would notice Sasuke is acting differently.

Every time I would ask him, but he would just avoid the question and talks about something else. It makes me worried. 'What's happening to him? I'm his girlfriend, why would he keep a secret from me?' Are the questions that kept on appearing on my mind.

It's early in the morning. I've been getting an uneasy feelings at the pit of my stomach. Like there's something bad is going to happen.

I quickly gets up from my bed and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. Then, I quickly put on my ninja outfit and took my ninja gear with me.

Then I start running towards the hospital. When I get there, I run towards Sasuke's room to see no one is there. I activate my Todomeki. Then I use my jutsu to see the past that happen in this room.

There Sasuke slams an apple out of Sakura's hand. Then he looks at Naruto and challenge him to a battle. But where would they be? Then my eyes widened in realisation. 'The rooftop!' I thought. I run out of the room and make my way to the rooftop.

When I get there, my eyes widened in horror when I see Sasuke is aiming his Chidori towards Naruto and Naruto doing the same with his Rasengan. Sakura is running in between them, trying to get them to stop.

I use my speed and appear in between them and grab Sasuke's hand. While Kakashi-Sensei appear out of no where and grab Naruto's hand. I throw Sasuke towards a water tank, causing it to have a huge dent. While Naruto have a smaller dent.

Sasuke looks satisfied by the result he have made. But when he saw the back of the tank he looks angry. 'Sasuke... What's going on in that mind of yours? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not good' I thought to myself. I saw Sasuke walking away with a grumpy face.


It was night time. The nagging feelings is still there. I keep tossing and turning in my bed, but I just can't seem to fall asleep.

I get up from my bed. I decide to take a walk. Then I head outside and start making my way around the village.

Then I sense something. Somethings not right. I jump on top of a roof and activate my Todomeki. From afar I can see two chakra signature. I recognise it as Sasuke's and Sakura. They're in front of the gate. 'What's going on...' I thought. I jump from roof to roof and make my way to their location.

When I get there. I can see Sasuke with a backpack. He appears behind Sakura and knock her out. Then he picks her up and place her on the bench. He got up and was about to walk away.

"Sasuke!" I scream. He froze and turn around to see me. I jump down and land in front of him. "Y/N... Why are doing you up? It's been so late at night. Go back home and sleep" He said. "Where are you going?" I said, completely ignoring what he said. He stayed silent and look away from me.

"Well... Aren't you gonna answer me?" I asks. "I'm leaving..." He said. "Why?" I asks. "I need to get stronger for my revenge" he said. "Why would you leave just because of that" I said. He turns to look at me. "You won't understand Y/N?! What it feels like to loose someone" he said. "Don't you dare say that?! Have you forgotten?! I lost my parents, I lost everyone. I've been kidnapped and used for their own selfish desire" I scream at him. He stayed silent and continue to stare at me.

"But do you see me trying to get back at them? It's the past, Sasuke! You need to move on!" I yelled again. "You only loose your parents, Y/N. I lost my entire clan. I have to revenge" he said. "Sasuke... Even if you want to revenge, do you have to go? You can get stronger here. I'll help you" I said. He appears in front of me. He cups my cheeks. "This is something I don't want to drag you into... You have to stay here. I don't want you to go rogue with me" he said.

"Please... Don't go..." I whispers. He kiss me softly. "I love you Y/N... But I have to go. I'm sorry. Please forgive me" he said. "Bu-" I was cut of by the sudden pain on my neck.

One Week Later

In the end... We couldn't stop Sasuke from leaving. I keep crying since then. Why would he choose revenge? Why would he choose to be in the dark path? Why would he leave me?

Everyone tried to cheer me up. Especially Naruto. He's always have been like a older Brother to me.

I'm walking around Konoha in comfortable silent, despite the pain in my heart. After a while of walking, came to a stop in the lake where I first start up a conversation with Sasuke.

I take a seat on the exact spot I'm in that day. I hug my knees close to my chest. Tears starts to stream down as a flashback came in mind.

I snap out of my daze when I sense a chakra signature near by. My eyes widened as I recognise these chakra. 'Oh no...' I thought. I got up and took out my Kunai.

"Wow... You notice us from that distance? You're really something" I heard someone said. Then suddenly 6 figures appear in front of me. It's Eisuke, leader of the Phoenix bandits. I back away and my back hit a hard chest. I turn my head to see Fujio, their member. Fujio grabs me "I told you we'll get you back" he said. Then he knocks me out.

Sasuke P.O.V

I've reached Orochimaru's base a week ago. I'm in the middle of training. When Kabuto appear and bow to Orochimaru, who is observing me.

"Orochimaru-Sama.... I've receive a latest news from Konohagakure" he said. Orochimaru look at him and wait for him to continue. "Uchiha Y/N has been kidnapped by a group of bandits, called The Phoenix" Kabuto said. "What?!" I screams, causing them to jump. But I just ignore them. 'Y/N's kidnapped?! I have to help her' I thought to myself.


*to be continued*

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