Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

I just shook my head. Then I move to lay on my side and close my eyes. 'Maybe I did.... I think I'm falling in love with Y/N' is the last thing in my mind. Then I fall into deep slumber.

-Graduation and Mini Breakdown-


I was awoken by the sound of alarm. 'Today is the graduation day. I better get going.... I don't wanna get late' I thought to myself. I got up from the bed, then make my way to the bathroom and start getting ready for the day.

Once I'm done... I decide to make a simple toast for breakfast. I just eat in silent as I think about what will happen today. Most likely we will be placed in a squad. Whoever I'm with... I don't care. As long as they don't bother me.

After I'm done eating breakfast, I place everything in the sink and wash them. After I made sure everything is tidy. I walk out of my apartment and start to make my way to the academy.

After a while of walking. I finally made it to the academy. As usual the first person there is Sasuke. I smile a bit at him. I was about to take a seat, when I heard him calling for me. I turn to him "yeah?" I asks. "Could you... Sit next to me?" He asks. "Okay..." I say. I walk over next to him and take a seat.

One by one, students begin to pile in. They sit in their own seat. Then suddenly... 2 person barge in. "I win!" Ino said. "No! I did... My feet is at least 2 feet in front of you" Sakura said. I notice Naruto is staring at Sakura with a blushing face. 'Poor Naruto... She would just ignore him' I thought. I was right... Sakura punch Naruto out of the way. Then she stood in next to Sasuke. "Y/N... Would you please move. So I could sit next to Sasuke-Kun" she said. I glance at her "why should I? I'm not gonna move, just so you could sit next to him" I said, coldly. She was about to say something when Ino come and grab her arm "wait a second! I'm sitting next to Sasuke-Kun" she said. Then more and more girls came and join the argument.

I sigh "would you all just.... Shut up!!!" I yelled. They jump at my sudden outburst. They look at me wide-eyed. "Stop trying so hard to get him to like you. Can't you all see that he doesn't give a single shit to any of you. That would never change. He'll always be like this. To him... You're nothing but an annoying group of fangirls" I said to them. They all glared at me. "How would you know? You just say that so you could have him all to yourself" one of them said. "Have him? That's just a waste of time... I have better things to do" I say. Then I look at them dead in the eyes. "If you keep goggling eyes and make love your top priority... You won't survive a single Mission. You'll die even before you try to put up a fight" I say, coldly.

Then I heard a thump. I turn to see Naruto on the desk, glaring down at Sasuke. "Naruto! Stop glaring at Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura said. "Just  beat him up, Sasuke-Kun" another said.

Then the boy in front of him bump his elbow on Naruto. Then the two of them end up kissing. "Eww... I should call you Sas-gay, instead" I say gagging. The guys burst out laughing at my comment.

Naruto and Sasuke pulls away from each other, gagging. I just giggle at them. All the guys looks at me and blush. 'Her laugh is so cute.... I never seen her like this' every boys thought.

Then Naruto turns around sensing danger. "Naruto! You're so dead" Sakura said. "W-wait! It was an accident!" Naruto said frantically. Sakura swung a fist at Naruto, but I appear in front of Naruto and grab her fist. "That's enough... He already say it was an accident" I say. "Yeah right! He's Naruto after all" Ino said. I turn and glare at her. "What is it with him being Naruto have anything to do with this?" I say. "He's a trouble maker" another said. I laugh "So... Him being a troublemaker means everything that's gone wrong is his fault?" I said to them. They didn't answer. I walk forward to one of the girls and slap her. Everyone else gasps in shock and stare at me wide-eyed. "Is Naruto doing that to you?" I asks. "No..." She said. "Then who did?" I say. "Y-you..." She stutter. "Exactly... This is the last time I see any of you blaming something on Naruto. Got it?" I say. They nod their head. I walk back to my seat and take a sit.

Everyone is still staring at me. But I just ignore their stare. "you don't have any idea... What it feels like to be treated badly by people. What it feels like... to be a target for something that is out of your control. You're all lucky... You don't have to go through any of that" I say, looking down. I place my head on my arms that I rest on the table. My body starts shaking as tears begin to stream down my eyes. Everyone stares at me in shock. "She's such a cold person" "yeah... I didn't expect her to cry" I heard whispers all around me, but I just ignore them. "Even the coldest person have a heart too. So don't judge her" I heard someone say. Then I feel someone rubbing my back. I look up to see Sasuke. "Thanks... Sasuke" I say.

Then Iruka-Sensei came. "Why is it so silent?" He asks. Everyone points at me. Iruka-Sensei turns to me and notice the tears. "Y/N... What's wrong?" He asks, concern. "I'm fine, Iruka-sensei. Just start the lesson" I say.

He starts the lesson and congratulate us on graduating. He said we will have a long journey as a shinobi. Then he said he'll be putting us into a 3 man squad.

*to be continued*

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