Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

Ibiki starts explaining the rules. If one of the member of a certain squat failed, the others from the same squad would fail too.

"Let the First Phase of Chunnin Exam start!!"

-Chunnin Exam: Written Test Part 2-


Ibiki announce that the first phase has start. My eyes move to scan through the quiz. My eyes widened. 'This is not a test for Chunnin level. It's for Jounin. Then there has to be something about this test... But what?' I thought, looking around the class.

I start to analyse the situation. 'Okay... Ibiki said in the end of his line, you ever dumb enough to get caught' I thought. Then I remember what he said about the minus point.

After a while of thinking. I've finally figure out. You can't pass this test without cheating. That's it! You need to cheat to find an answer... They want to see how well you gather information without getting caught. I smirk as I know what to do now.

'Sharingan!' I thought. Then I look around the class and start looking for an answer. Then I start writing them down.

After about 15 minutes I finally manage to get all the answer. I cross my arms and place them on the desk. I turn my head slightly to look how Sasuke is doing. 'He's doing fine... I'm sure he'd figure it out' I thought to myself. Then I look in front of me where Naruto is seated. 'Come on Naruto... Think! You have to know the purpose of this test' I thought to myself. Then I remember. I close my eyes and try to enter Naruto's mind.

Naruto... Can you hear me? I said in my thought. Wha- Y/N-Chan is that you?? I heard him. Who else would it be... Listen carefully Naruto... The purpose of this test is- a loud ring was heard in my ear. I snap out of it. 'What was that?' I thought.


"Alright! Put your pencil down. It's time for the tenth question" Ibiki's voice roared. I look up at him as he starts explaining the rules. Ibiki told us that if we fail this question than the whole squad would be fail as well, and we are forbid to take the Chunnin exam ever again.

Some of the participants got up from their seat and complain. I just sit there in silent. 'There must be a trap... I'm not backing up' I thought to myself. Then I turn to look at Naruto 'it's Naruto I'm worried about..' I thought.

"So if you want to quit, raise your hand now!" Ibiki said. One by one the participant raise their hands. Naruto slowly raise his hands. 'No... He wouldn't. I know how he is' I thought, and I was right. Naruto slam his hand down on the desk. "No way!!! I'm not backing up now! I don't care if I'm stuck as a Genin for the rest of my life, I'll still be the Hokage!" He yelled. I smile 'that's the Naruto I know' I thought. Ibiki gives one more chance. But Naruto stood his ground.

"Well... For those who stayed. Congratulation on passing the first phase" he said. Everyone is confused by this. Ibiki starts explaining. How the whole test is about. "We have places 2 Chunnin in this room" Ibiki said. Then 2 of them raise their hands. Everyone looks at them in shock.

Then suddenly the window shatters as someone broke in. Sand moves and cover me from the glass shards. I turn to the source to see Gaara. But he's not looking at me, his eyes focus on the front. I smile "thank you, Gaara" I said. He turns to me and nod his head. His cheeks is a bit pink.

Two kunai was thrown and implant itself to the roof, with a banner attached to it. "Heads up, boys and girls! Now is not the time to be celebrating. You still have a long way to go" a girl said. 'Mitarashi Anko' I thought as I look at her. She's always hyper as usual.

"You're early as usual, Anko" Ibiki said, from behind the banner. Anko blushed out of embarrassment. Then she gets over it and look at us. "There's so many of them. 28 teams to be exact. Have you gone soft?" Anko said looking at Ibiki. "Or we have a promising contestants this year" Ibiki said. Anko rolls her eyes "what ever. By the time I'm done.... Half of them or more would be eliminated" Anko said.

Anko told us to follow her. So all of us gets up and walk after her. Sasuke walks beside me as always. He kept my hand in his.

After a while of walking, we finally reached the location. It's a huge forest with gates surrounding it. Anko turns to us and smirk. "Alright everyone... This is the Forest of Death, and soon enough you'll know why" she said. Naruto decide it was funny to mimic her with a little dance. Then Anko throw a kunai that scrap his cheek, making him froze in his spot. "Tough guy like you, usually leave your body in there with blood splatter all around you" she said. Then behind her stood a woman. She turn around with a kunai in her hand. "I suggest you don't stand too close to me. Unless you have a death wish" she said. The woman apologise, then turn her head to look at me. "The sight of excites me" she said. Then she stuck out her long tongue. My eyes widened in fear. 'That tongue... It can't be...' I thought as I start shaking.

A hand is places on my shoulder. I jump in respond. I turn around to see Sasuke. He's looking at me with worry in his eyes. "What's wrong? You're shaking... Are you okay?" He asks. I just nod my head slowly. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Y-yeah..." I said.

Then I look down in thought. 'Orochimaru have used the forbidden technique to make him live long. But the catch is, he needs to find a new body to be his vessel. So that must be the reason he's here... But who is his target? Me or... Oh no... Sasuke... He's always interested with the Sharingan.... The trait that would only be in the Uchiha blood line and we are the only Uchihas left. So it has to be one of us. It's me or Sasuke. I won't let him get to Sasuke. I'll prevent it at all caused' I thought to myself.


*to be continued*

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