Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

We turn our attention to the sunset. I know it's cliche. But it's really romantic. Being here with someone you love under the beautiful sight of the sunset, it's the best feeling you could ever feel.

I wish it would last forever

-Chunnin Exam-


I woke up early cause Kakashi-Sensei told us we need to meet up at the bridge. I get up from the bed and head to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After I'm done, I head to the kitchen and make a simple breakfast. As I cook, I heard a knock on the front door. I turn the stove off, then I make my way to the front door. I open the door to reveal, Sasuke. He smiles "morning, babe" he say, coming closer and place a soft kiss on my forehead. I smile "morning, Sasuke" I said.

I move aside and invite him in. "What were you doing when I get here?" He asks. "Cooking, I was making breakfast" I said. He hums in respond. I smile "would you like some?" I asks. "Is it really okay?" He asks, his face has a tint of pink. "Of course, you're my Boyfriend" I said. He smiles and grab my hand. We head back to the kitchen and I continue cooking.

Sasuke when up behind me, he wrap his arms around my waist, his chin is resting on my shoulder. "W-what are you doing" I asks. "Hm? Why? I can't hold my own girl?" He asks. "No... It's just you never show this kind of affection to anyone before" I said. "That's because I don't have anyone to show affection to" he said. "I see..." I said.

I decide to just let him be. I continue to cook, trying to be calm. But it's kinda hard, with Sasuke clinging onto me like a koala.

I finished cooking. "Can you move now? So I could set the table" I said. "Mm... Okay" he said, moving away from me. I smile at him and start setting up the table, with Sasuke helping me. After that, we start eating.

Sasuke took a bite as I look at him. "It's good" he said. I smile and take a bite for myself. We continue to eat as we talk a bit.

Soon we are done with our meal. I place the dirty dishes on the sink. I was about to wash it, when Sasuke stops me. I turn to him confuse. He points to the clock at the wall. "Oh my... We are almost late" I said, panicked. Then I remember Kakashi-Sensei is always late. "But Sensei always come late" I said. "Still... We never know... he could actually decide to come in time today" he said. I sigh and agree with him. I dry my hands.

Sasuke grabs my hand and we walk out of my apartment. Then we start making our way to the bridge.

When we get there, I notice it's just Sakura and Naruto. I sigh. "See.... Sasuke, I told you so..." I said, looking at Sasuke. He rolls his eyes "it's better if we be on time, rather than late" he said. "Yeah... Like Sensei" I said.

"What did you say, Y/N?" I jump and turn around in a battle stance, only to see Kakashi-Sensei is the one who is standing behind me. "Damn you Sensei! You scared the sh*t out of me" I said, clutching my chest, as my heart is pounding at a rapid speed. The rest of the group is trying to hold in their laughter. I glare at them, making them instantly stop. 'Wow... What a great Friend I have. Laughing when I'm scared to death' I thought sarcastically.

"Language Y/N... Didn't you alway be aware of your surrounding?" He said. "I'm tired of being on guard 24/7. Is it wrong to relax for a bit?" I asks, pouting slightly. He laughs in respond.

Kakashi-Sensei pull out 4 paper. He shows it to us. "This is an application form for chunnin exam" he said. "Chunnin exam?" Sakura said. I face-palmed because of her. "You're repeating me, Sakura. Anyway, if you're interested to participate... Come to room 302 tomorrow" he said, then he poofed away.

"So that's all?" I asks. The others shrugs their shoulder. "Well... I'll get going then" I said. I heard footstep coming after me. Then a hand on mine. I look down at the hand, then my eyes travel up to the one holding my hand. "What?" Sasuke said. I smile "nothing..." I said.

The Next Day

Sasuke coming to my house early in the morning has become a habit. He would always come and eat breakfast with me. Then we'd go to the meeting place together.

Just like what we did right now. Along the way, we meet up with Sakura and Naruto. Sasuke's hand is still holding mine.

We reached the academy. Then we make our way up to the next floor. There's a group of people standing in front of a room, there's two people guarding the door... Refusing to let them in. 'That's weird... This is only the 2nd floor' I thought. I activate my Sharingan and notice the two is Izumo and Kotetsu. I sigh 'A Genjutsu... Of course' I thought.

I walk forward. "Izumo... Kotetsu... What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the gate, instead of being here bullying on them? Oh... And reverse the jutsu... It's just a cheap trick" I said. They look at me surprise before smirking. "Looks like one of you notice it" Izumo said. "Tch... Genjutsu won't work on me" I said. "I see... Then how about you stop... This!!" He yelled advancing at me. Sasuke appear in front of me and swung his feet at him.

Then out of no where. A boy with a green jump suit appear and stops their attack. 'He's sure is fast' I thought.

"What are you doing?! You're the to say we need to keep a low profile?!" A guy with long hair and pale lavender eyes. 'He's a hyuuga' I thought. The guy in the green jumpsuit "sorry... It's just-" he stops when his eyes landed on me. He walks towards me. "I'm Rock Lee. You're Uchiha Y/N, right?" He said. I nod my head in respond. He gives me a thumbs up and flash his teeth, then he held both of my hands as he stares at me with a sparkling eyes. "Please be my girlfriend! I vow to protect you with my life" he said. I swear-dropped in respond. I was about to say something, but someone beat me to it.

"Absolutely not.... She's mine, get lost! Freak" Sasuke said, taking my hands from Lee's hold, Keeping it in his. Lee looks at Sasuke, then he turns to me. "Is it true?" Lee asks me. "Yeah... He is" I said. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Sasuke smirking. I nudge him, he grunts in pain then he turns to me. "Ow... Why did you do that?" He asks. "That doesn't mean you have to be rude" I said. "Whatever" he said. He looks away from me. I shook my head at him.


*to be continued*

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