Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

Then I look down in thought. 'Orochimaru have used the forbidden technique to make him live long. But the catch is, he needs to find a new body to be his vessel. So that must be the reason he's here... But who is his target? Me or... Oh no... Sasuke... He's always interested with the Sharingan.... The trait that would only be in the Uchiha blood line and we are the only Uchihas left. So it has to be one of us. It's me or Sasuke. I won't let him get to Sasuke. I'll prevent it at all caused' I thought to myself.


-Chunnin Exam: Forest of Death-


We have to wait until its time for us to enter the Forest. I just sit on top of a rock. I can't stop thinking. What did he want? Who is his target?

Then I heard someone calling for me. I turn to see Kakashi-Sensei. I jump down the rock and make my way to him.

I look up at him when I'm standing in front of him. "What is it, Sensei?" I asks. "I wanna talk to you about what happened in the Land of Wave" he said. "What happened?" I asks. "You don't remember?" He asks. I just shook my head in respond. "Your eyes turn black and blue. You control the enemy. They froze when they look at your eyes, as if you're controlling them. Then you say 'die', then their heads exploded" he explain. My eyes widened "oh no... It's happening again..." I said, my body start shaking. "What do you mean?" He asks, confusion laced in his voice. I shake my head in respond. "it's a long story Sensei... I can't explain to you now" I said. He nod his head "alright... You have to tell me more about it, when the second phase is over" He said. I nod my head "okay.." I said. He place his hand on my shoulder "goodluck out there..." He said. I nod my head saying thank you.

He turn and was about to walk away. "Sensei!" I call out. He turns around and look at me. "Hm?" He said. I run forward and hug him. He froze and hug back. "Listen Sensei... Something bad is going to happen" I whispers. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Orochimaru is here... I have a hunch that he's after either Sasuke or me... He's after our Sharingan... Or in my case my eyes... I call it Todomeki... I'll explain more about it and how I got it after the second phase is over" I said. "W-what? How did you know him?" He asks, shocked. "I'll explain later, but I just want to warn you. Incase something goes wrong... I hope you'll know what to do" I said. "I got it... Thank you for the heads up" he said. I nod my head and let him go. He pat my head, then turn around to leave.

"What was that all about?" Someone said, next to me. I jump at the sudden voice. I turn around to see Sasuke. I punch his shoulder. "Oww. What's that for?!" He yells at me. "For scaring me you dummy" I said with a pout on my face. He sigh and wrap his arms around me. "Sorry.... For scaring you" He whispers. I lean my head on his shoulder. "Sorry too... For smacking you" I said. Hugging him back.


Anko starts explaining that we need to get 2 scrolls in order to pass the second stage. We are gonna spend 5 days in the Forest of Death.

"But what would we do for food?!" Choji said. "Look around the forest, there's a lot of food source around there. But also remember, there are poisonous plants and man eating animal" Anko said.

'That didn't scare me... Not one bit. The only thing that's been bothering me is... How to keep Orochimaru away from Sasuke' I thought.

Then we are told to go in the tend, to exchange our form with one of the scrolls. We wait in line for our turn. After about 15 minutes we can enter the tend.

The person on the stand hand us the Heaven Scroll, so we need to find an earth scroll. We walk out of the tend and wait for the signal to enter the Forest.

Sakura looks nervous. I place my hand on her shoulder "don't worry Sakura-Chan... I will protect you" I said, smiling reassuringly. She turns to me and nod her head with a thankful smile.

Then I turn to where Naruto is, to see him getting chased around by a box. 'It must be Konohamaru and his friends' I thought.

Naruto points at the box "that's the worse disguise I've ever seen!" Naruto yelled. Just as I have guessed. Konohamaru and his friends appear from the box. "You're slick boss... Just as I expected from my greatest rival" he said, smirking at Naruto.

Turns out they're here for an interview for their academy. Then Konohamaru come towards me with a camera in her hands. "Ne... Nee-San, if you don't mind... would like to interview you" he said, looking up at me with a hopeful face. I smile "sure... What do you want to ask about?" I asks. He beams and start asking me the question. "So... Is it true that you and Sasuke are together?" He asks. I blushed in respond "well..." I was about to answer, when a pair of arms is wrap around my waist. "We are..." Sasuke said, leaning over my shoulder.

Konohamaru's eyes widened. "Really?! How long have you been together?" He said, excited. "It's been for about a month now" I answer. He beams again. Then he looks at me with a sparkle eyes. "Would you two kiss for the audience to watch?" He said. My eyes widened. "W-why would you-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. My cheeks turns red as I realise Sasuke is kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

We pull away from each other. I turn to look at Konohamaru, to see him staring at us with a flustered face and wide-eyed. He seems to froze slightly. I giggle at his reaction "you asked for it Konohamaru-Kun" I said. He snaps out of it and look at me. "I-I was just j-joking... I d-didn't expect you to a-actually kiss each other in f-front of m-me" He stutter. I giggle and ruffle his hair.

"Alright! Attention everyone! The 2nd phase of Chunnin exam is about to start. Prepare yourself to enter the Forest of Death" Anko's voice roared around the place. Konohamaru clears his throat. I turn to him and giving him a close eye smile. He smiles nervously "Alright... I'll get going... Goodluck Nee-San... Nii-Chan" Konohamaru said to Sasuke and I. He bow, then he turns around and run off. His face is still flustered. I giggle. Who knows that boy could be so cute.

We turn around and face Anko. We stand ready to go. "Alright. Count down from 5. Then you may enter the Forest" she said. "5.... 4.... 3...." She starts. I look at Sasuke and he looks back. We give each other a nod. "2...." I turn to Sakura to see her slightly tense. "Relax Sakura-Chan... Remember what I said earlier, okay?" I said smiling at her. She nods her head and smile at me. "1! Go!!!" Anko voice roared and we run in.

The second phase of Chunnin Exam has officially started

*to be continued*

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