Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

Sakura looks depressed. "How about you and I do something together" Naruto said. Sakura turns to him with an angry expression. She push Naruto away. "Hey! That's private conversation... Quit eavesdropping!" Sakura yelled. I sigh at the two and so I just decide to walk away.

-The Sand Genin-


I was walking around the village. Then I feel an unfamiliar chakra, 3 of them to be precise. I followed the source of it and jump on top of a tree. I crouch as I watch the scene in front of me.

I can see 2 shinobis. 'That's weird... I could have sworn I sense 3 of them, why is there only 2 of them. Where is he hiding' I thought. I use my Sharingan and look at their headbands. 'Sand Genin... What are they doing here? Oh... Right, the Chunnin exam is coming. They must be a participant' I thought.

Then I notice a guy with paint marks on his cheeks is holding a kid. 'Konohamaru...' I recognise the boy as the Hokage's grandson. I decide to just stay back and watch.

I watch as Naruto trying to attack the guy, but he was thrown away. 'He's a puppet master...' I notice the chakra string on his fingers.

I get up I appear behind him. "I suggest you let the boy go... Or else" I say in a dark tone. I hate it when people come to our village and thinks highly of themselves.

"What the... Where did you come from?" He asks, clearly shocked by my sudden appearance. "Doesn't matter where I came from... You. Let. The. Boy. Go... Now" I spat. He swung his arms at me, I duck down and kick his knees. He lets Konohamaru go and he instantly run away.

"Why you!" He yelled, trying to attack me again. But out of no where, a stone was thrown and hit his hand. I look up to the source and smile. Sasuke is sitting on top of a branch.

"another Genin brat" the guy with the painted cheeks said. I saw him reaching behind his back. "You're using a crow for this?" The girl said. "Well... He's not here yet, might as well have some fun" he said.

"Kankuro! Stop it, you're a disgrace to our village" I heard someone yelled. I look up at a tree, right next to Sasuke. There's a boy standing upside down. 'So that's why I sense 3 chakra' I thought.

"G-Gaara... They started it" Kankuro said, pointing his fingers at us. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Wow... You're not only a coward. But you're also childish.... Playing the blame game. How pathetic" I said. "Why you!" He yelled at me, he try to charge at me. "Stop it! Or I'll kill you. You're forgetting why we're here" Gaara said. "Alright... Sorry, I took it too far" Kankuro said. He shots me a glare, I roll my eyes in respond.

Gaara transform into a sand. Then appear in the middle of them. "I'm sorry for any problem these two have caused" Gaara apologised as he look at us. But mostly at me.

They turn around and was about to leave, when Sakura decide to be a smartass. "So state your purpose or we won't let you go" Sakura said. I sigh as I face-palmed. "They're here for the Chunnin Exam, Sakura-Chan" I said. The girl looks at me and smirk "exactly... At least one of you isn't living under the rock" she said. She took out their permission pass.

They turn to leave, but this time they're stopped my Sasuke. "Hey you! What's your name?" Sasuke said. The girl turn with a blush on her face. "You mean me?" She asks. I roll my eyes. "No... The one with the gourd on the back" Sasuke said. The guy turn around "I'm Gaara of the Desserts. I'm so curious about you...*turn to me* as well as her" he said. "I'm Uchiha Sasuke *grabbing my hand* you don't need to know about her" he said. I nudge him "no need to be so rude" I said. I turn to Gaara and smile "I'm Uchiha Y/N" I said. He nods his head. "Hey you must be dying to know me, right?!" Naruto said, proudly. "I couldn't care less" Gaara said, then he turns around and leave with the two following in suit.

Naruto turns to Konohamaru in a depressing state. "Ne... Konohamaru, am I uncool?" He asks. "Compare to Y/N-Nee-San and Sasuke-Nii... Yupp!! You're uncool" Konohamaru said. I rub his back "don't think about it Naruto, just train hard and be stronger. He'll be dying to know you" I said, in a comforting voice. He turns to me and nod his head.

I turn to Sasuke "you realise the Kankuro guy already said his name right?" I said slyly. Sasuke blushed in respond. His hand is still holding mine. "Let's just go..." He said. He starts pulling me. I turn to Naruto and Sakura. "Bye guys!" I said. Sakura looks kinda sad. I mean I don't blame her. The guy she likes is dating with me.

I let Sasuke pull me along. "Where are you pulling me?" I asks. He turns to me. "Going around the village" he simply said. "Why?" I asks. "Why? I just want to spend time with my girlfriend... I didn't get much chances to hang out with you since we started dating" he said. I blushed in respond. I still didn't get used to the fact that Sasuke and I are dating.

He moves his hand from my hand and wrap it on around my shoulder. We continue to take a walk, with a peaceful silence engulfing us.

We walk towards the lake where I caught him watching me. We take a seat in my spot on that day. I lean my head on his shoulder. We sit in silence, just enjoy each other company.

I glance at Sasuke as he did the same. I smile at him and he returns it. He leans in slowly and place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him back.

He pulls away only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. Then he leans his forehead on mine. He moves his hand to my cheek, caressing it softly. "I love you...." He said, smiling. "I love you too..." I said, returning the smile.

We turn our attention to the sunset. I know it's cliche. But it's really romantic. Being here with someone you love under the beautiful sight of the sunset, it's the best feeling you could ever feel.

I wish it would last forever

*to be continued*

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