Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

Kakashi-Sensei told us to go home and prepare what we need for the journey. We'll meet in the gate in an hour.


-Journey to the Land of Wave-


We are now gathered around the gate. "Alright... I guess that's everyone. So we are good to go" Kakashi-Sensei said. Naruto walk forward, then he turns to us "yeah! Alright!" He said happily. "What are you so excited about?" I heard Sakura-Chan said. "This is the first time I left the village.... I'm a traveller now, dattebayo!!!" Naruto said, being excited. I just smile at his excitement.

"Am I suppose to trust my life to that brat! He's a joke" Mr. Tazuna said. "Hey! Never judge a ninja, It's a big mistake! I'm the greatest Ninja, one day I'll be the Hokage and you will show respect to me, dattebayo!" Naruto said, pointing his finger at Mr. Tazuna. Mr. Tazuna scoff "Yeah, right... Hokage's are strong and wise. But you are brainless and puny. The day you'd be the Hokage is the day I'll sprout wings and fly" Tazuna said. "Shut up! I'm willing to do anything to be the Hokage" Naruto yelled. I wrap my arm around his shoulder "calm down Naruto.... I get that you're annoyed. But it'll never end if you keep responding to him. Instead of arguing... Show him what you can do" I whispers in his ear. He blushed and nod his head at me. "Okay... Thanks Y/N-Chan" Naruto said. I smile at him "no need to thank me... I'm just doing my job as a friend" I say, with a close eye smile. He grins at me "we're friends?" He asks. I poke his forehead "of course silly! Why else would I stood up for you when you're almost beat up? That is... Unless to don't want to be friends with me" I said to him. He rapidly shook his head "no... Of course not! I'm happy to be your friend Y/N-Chan" he said, pulling me into a hug. I hug him back, oblivious to a glare being sent by a certain raven haired Uchiha.

Sasuke P.O.V

'How dare Naruto hug her like that? At least, she only sees him as a friend. But... What if she didn't? And actually fall in love with him. No no no... I won't let that happen. Y/N is mine' I thought. I continue to glare at that loser for hugging Y/N.


"Kakashi-Sensei... I think we should go now" I told him. He nod his head and leads the way. We follow right behind him.

As I walk... I notice a puddle on the side walk. I furrow my eyebrows together. 'Well that was weird... It's been sunny all week. Where did that puddle came from?' I thought to myself. It's probably an ambushed. I close my eyes as I focus on my mind. Kakashi-Sensei... Did you notice the puddle? I asks telepathically. Wha- how did you do that? Never mind that... Yes, I notice the puddle. Stay on guard I heard him respond. I got it Sensei I respond.

I place my hand close to my pouch and wait for the intruder to attack. Then out of no where, a pair of chain flew out and wrap itself around Kakashi-Sensei. Then the chain tore Kakashi-Sensei into pieces. "Kakashi-Sensei!!" Naruto yelled. I sense the enemy is aiming behind Naruto. I took out my Kunai and throw it past Naruto and to the chain. Then I run towards them and kick them in the face, Sasuke doing the same.

One of them running towards Mr. Tazuna. Sakura trying to protect Mr. Tazuna. I run forward and appear in front of Mr. Tazuna. Then Sasuke appear in front of me.

Then Kakashi-Sensei appear and put the enemy in a headlock. "Hi" he simply say. I can tell by the look of Sasuke's face, he's annoyed and think Kakashi-Sensei is a show off. "Good job Sasuke, Y/N that's a great team work. You too Sakura. Sorry Naruto... I didn't come right away, I didn't think you'd freeze up like that" he said. I just smile and help him tie up the ninja to the tree.

I walk back to the others as Kakashi-Sensei have a chat with Mr. Tazuna. I turn to Naruto and notice a scratch in his hand. I was about to say something, when Sasuke decide to be a jerk. "Hey... You're not hurt, are ya? Scaredy cat" Sasuke said, smirking. I turn to Sasuke and send him a glare. Naruto is about to attack Sasuke. I appear in front of him. "Naruto... Try not to move too much. Those ninja has poison in their claws. Moving too much would only spread it faster" I say. Naruto face paled. "You'll be fine..." I say giving him a close eye smile.

"Naruto's wound would be a problem... We should head back" Sakura said. Naruto looks annoyed. He took out a Kunai and stab it to his hand. "Naruto! What are you doing?!" I yelled out. Naruto ignore me and start making a  pledge.

"That was cool how you get rid of all the poison from you blood. But it'll be a good idea to stop the bleeding or you'll die from lack of blood" Kakashi-Sensei said. Naruto paled and began running around "it's not funny Sensei!!! help me!!! I'm too young to die" he yelled out of panic. I appear next to him and place my hand on his shoulder. "Calm down... Let me take a look" I say. I gently grab his hand and check his wound. The wound is not so deep, but if it's not stopped.... He'll be weak from blood loss. I guess I have no choice. I took out a Kunai and make a small cut in my hand. "W-what are you d-doing?" Naruto said. "I'll be fine... It's just a small cut" I tell him. I place my bleeding hand above his wound and let a single drop of blood drip to his wound. The wound instantly healed.

"Woah..." I heard. I turn my head to see Sakura looking at me, wide-eyed. Everyone else is doing the same. "What?" I asks, like it was nothing. "H-how?" Kakashi-Sensei said. I shook my head "I can't tell you... Not now. It'll be dangerous if someone heard about it" I say. They nod their heads and we continue our way.

*to be continued*

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