Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

"Absolutely not.... She's mine, get lost! Freak" Sasuke said, taking my hands from Lee's hold, Keeping it in his. Lee looks at Sasuke, then he turns to me. "Is it true?" Lee asks me. "Yeah... He is" I said. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Sasuke smirking. I nudge him, he grunts in pain then he turns to me. "Ow... Why did you do that?" He asks. "That doesn't mean you have to be rude" I said. "Whatever" he said. He looks away from me. I shook my head at him.


-Chunnin Exam: Written Test-


I just turn around and walk away. "I'm going to the 3rd floor" I said. "Hey wait up!!" I heard they yell from behind me. I just chuckle to myself.

As we walk to the class. We suddenly heard someone yelling us. We turn to see who it was to see it was just Lee. "I'm Rock Lee. You're Uchiha Sasuke right? I'm challenging you for a fight!" Lee said, pointing at Sasuke. Then Lee turns to me "oh and Y/N... I love you!" He said. Blowing a kiss my way. Sasuke grab it and crush it. Lee blow more kisses and Sasuke moves me out of the way. Then step in front of me, growling slightly at Lee. "She's mine... You dope" he said.

"Fight me! I'll fight for Y/N's heart" Lee said. Sasuke was about to charge at Lee. But Naruto told them Lee should fight him instead. Lee didn't look interested.

"guys... We don't have much time" I said. They ignore me and start fighting. I face-palmed "boys... They never listen" I mumble to myself. I just decide to watch the fight. 

Then I notice Lee is wrapping his bandage around Sasuke. My eyes widened in horror "Primary Lotus! It's a forbidden technique" I exclaimed. I jump and kick Lee of Sasuke. I land on the ground perfectly on my feet. I turn to look at Sasuke. "Are you hurt?" I asks. He just shook his head. 'He looked irritated' I thought to myself as I look at Sasuke's expression.

Then suddenly a turquoise appear and start scolding Lee for almost using the forbidden technique. Then suddenly a smoke appear and behind it a person appear. 'Gai-Sensei....' I thought. He Gai-Sensei punch Lee's face, then they start crying. I just sweat-dropped at their habit.

Then Gai-Sensei walk towards us. "You guys are Kakashi student?" He asks. "You know Kakashi-Sensei?" Sakura ask. Gai-Sensei start laughing "well you can say that we are eternal rival" he said. Then Gai-Sensei turn to Lee "why don't you escort this find student to the class" he said. "Ah... I don't think that's necessary.... We are fine by ourself... But thank you" I said, bowing. He laughs and pull me into a bone-crushing hug. He release me and I take a deep breath in.

Then we turn around and start making our way to the class. When we get there, Kakashi-Sensei is standing in front of the door. "I see all four of you have decide to come... I'm so proud of you. Y/N, Sasuke, Naruto, you too Sakura. I can't ask for a better team" he said, moving aside. We walk forward and enters the room. But before I could enter the room, I feel a hand on my arm "I'm gonna have to talk to you about something" Kakashi-Sensei said. "About what?" I asks. "It's something about what happen to you on our first Mission on the Land of Wave. But I won't be talking about it now. I'll see you later. Goodluck" he said, then he 'poofed' away.

I walk in the class to see Ino clinging onto Sasuke. I tick mark appear on my forehead and my eyebrow twitching. I was about to walk to her. Then suddenly a pair of arms is around my waist. I turn to see Kiba, a huge flirt. "Hey.... Beautiful? You look really sexy now" he said. I smack his head and he recoils from holding me, holding his sore head.

I walk up to Ino.  "Ino... Would you kindly get of off Sasuke?" I asks nicely. She turns to me "Hm? Oh it's you... Y/N" she said, in a bored tone. I glare at her and yank her of Sasuke.

Sasuke walk to me and wrap his arm around my shoulder. "When did you??" Ino said, her eyes is wide. "Well... Since our first Mission" I simply said.

"I suggest you guys keep it down... You're attracting attention" I heard someone said. I turn around to see a guy with a silver hair and wearing a glasses. "Who are you?" Ino asks. "My apologies. I'm Yakushi Kabuto..." He said. My eyes widened in respond. He works for a guy known as Orochimaru. Orochimaru used to work together with The Phoenix, the bandits who's after me. He use to run a few experiment on me, trying to get a sample. To find out why I was born with a healer blood. If Kabuto is here... Then Orochimaru is close.

I start shaking. 'Shit... I can't be having a panic attack... Not now' I thought to myself. Sasuke notice this and turns to me, then he place a hand on my shoulder "Y/N? Are you okay?" He asks. I just nod my head. My head is down. Bangs shadowing my eyes. "I'm... Okay" I said. He's not convince but he didn't ask any further.

Then a smoke appear. I turn to as I see a person appear. I recognise him as Morino Ibiki. 'Looks like he's the proctor for this year's Chunnin Exam' I thought. I'm a lot calmer now.

Then the exam starts. We are told to hand in our application form, then we are given a number which determine our seat.

I was seated in between Sasuke and Gaara. I turn to Sasuke. "Good luck, Sasuke" I said, smiling softly. Then I turn to Gaara "you too, good luck" I said. He looks at me in shock, then nod his head slowly with a tint of pink on his cheek.

Ibiki starts explaining the rules. If one of the member of a certain squat failed, the others from the same squad would fail too.

"Let the First Phase of Chunnin Exam start!!"

*to be continued*

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