Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I reach my home and take a quick shower. Once I'm done, I put on my pyjamas and laid on my bed. 'Why is he so curious about me? I can't blame him... I would too, if I'm in his position who thought I'm the only survivor, then out of no where another person come and claim to be an Uchiha' I thought. I sigh "why am I even thinking about this?" I say to myself. I turn and lay on my side. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

-Graduation Test-


It's early in the morning. I woke up and sit up in my bed. 'What day is this?' I thought to my self. "Oh right... The graduation test" I said.

I sigh and get up from the bed. I take what I need and head to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I'm done, I walk out of the bathroom. 'Should I eat breakfast?' I thought. 'Nah... I'm not that hungry. I'll just head to the Academy now' I thought.

Then I head outside the apartment and head to the academy. It was pretty early, so I there won't be a lot of students. When I get there, the only student is Sasuke. I ignore the fact that he's staring at me. I make my way to the front row and take a seat.

Sasuke P.O.V

'Is she always like that? So cold...' I thought while staring at the back of her head. Quit staring at me. 'Wha??' I thought looking around. And stop looking around like a fool. I'm in your head, dummy. I stop looking around and look at Y/N. 'How did you...' I start. Enter your thought? Easy... Telepathy. My eyes widened. 'But how? Uchiha can't do that' I say in my thought. I just can, okay? Now quit asking and quit staring at me. Your annoying fangirls will come and bother me. I flinch at the sudden coldness in her voice.

Then I stop staring at her. She can do things I thought was impossible. Telepathy... I didn't expect her to do that.



Iruka-Sensei entered the class. We're about to start when a certain blonde boy came barging in. "Sorry I'm late, Iruka-Sensei" Naruto said.

Iruka-Sensei just told him to sit which was next to me. Naruto turns to me and smile. I give him a small smile and look away.

Then one by one, each students walks out to do whatever they told us. I just sit there in silent, I ignore all the stares I'm receiving from all the guys. Then I heard my name being called. "Good luck, Y/N-Chan!" "You'll do great" "wish you luck, Y/N-Chan" shouts after shouts can be heard by the boys. I just ignore them and walks out.

I keep walking until I reach the designated room. I knock and enters the room. Inside the room is Iruka-Sensei and a guy I know as Mizuki-Sensei. They smile at me. Iruka looks at me "Okay, Y/N. I need you to at least create 4 clones to pass" he said. I nod my head and create 20 clones without having to use hand signs.

They looks at me in shock. "That's not a clone. That's a shadow clone" Iruka-Sensei said. "So?" I asks. "You don't even use hand signs" Mizuki said. They are still looking at me in shock? They didn't say anything.

"Uh... Hello?" I said. They snaps out of it and smile at me. "You pass... Congratulation. Come and take your headband" Iruka-Sensei said. I step forward and take a headband, then leave the room.

I walk out of the academy. Then I see a lot of parents coming to congratulate their kids on passing. 'Mom...' I thought. Tears starting to form in my eyes. A tear escape from my eyes, but I just wipe it away. Then I just shook my head and walk away.

Sasuke P.O.V

I was walking out of the academy. I notice Y/N is still here. She's staring at the group of parent with their kids.

I notice a tear streaming down her eyes. Then she wiped it away and walk away. 'She's not a cold person. She just hid her emotion pretty well' I thought. I decide to follow her.

She came to the same place, where she caught me spying on her the other day. I watch as she just stayed there in silent.

I walk towards her, since she confront to me about spying on her the other day. I take a seat next to her, and watch her as she kept silent.

"What are you doing here?" She asks. "I just want to check on you" I said. She laughs "the emotionless guy is checking on me?" She said. I frown, but I didn't say anything back to her. I place a hand on her shoulder. She flinch but didn't move away. "What happen?" I asks. "Like I said... It's none of your business" she said. Then there's a moment of silent.

All I could hear is ragged breathing. I can tell that she's trying to keep it in. "You know... It'll be more painful if you kept it" I said. She turns to me, her face shows annoyance. Then she just sigh and looks down to her feet. She moves to hug her knees and place her head on it. Then I heard her sobbing. I don't know what to do, so I just scoot closer to her and wrap my arms around her. She moves so her head was on my shoulder.

After a while she pulls away. "Sorry..." She said in a hush tone. "It's okay. I'm just shock that you would actually show emotion. Cause these past few days, you've been acting so... Cold" I said. "Even the most cold person have a heart too, you know" she said. Then there's another moment of silent.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her. She shook her head as a no. "Why?" I asks again. "I'm scared... The last time someone knows my secret, it leads to the death of my Mom and younger Brother. I don't want anyone else to get hurt again" she said. Then she gets up "it's starting to get late... I'm going home" she said, then she walks away. I grab her hand "I'll walk you home" I said. "Okay.." She said. I got up as well and walk with her to her apartment.

After a while of walking. We finally reached a building. "This is my stop... Thank you, Sasuke" she said, smiling at me. This is the first time I see her smile. I must say.... She looks beautiful. I blush "y-you're welcome" I said. She enters the apartment and wave at me before closing the door.

I walk away to my own home. When I get there, I laid on my bed and look at the ceiling. The image of her smile flash back into my mind. I can feel my heart beating faster. I place my hand on my chest. 'What is this feeling?' I thought. This feeling is so new to me.... Am I in love?

I just shook my head. Then I move to lay on my side and close my eyes. 'Maybe I did.... I think I'm falling in love with Y/N' is the last thing in my mind. Then I fall into deep slumber.

*to be continued*

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