Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

"Woah..." I heard. I turn my head to see Sakura looking at me, wide-eyed. Everyone else is doing the same. "What?" I asks, like it was nothing. "H-how?" Kakashi-Sensei said. I shook my head "I can't tell you... Not now. It'll be dangerous if someone heard about it" I say. They nod their heads and we continue our way.

-The Land of Wave-


We are now on a boat, heading to Land of Wave. Sasuke made me sit next to him. I can feel a glare on the back of my head. I know it's Sakura-Chan. Who else would be glaring at me. The fact that Sasuke prefers me the be the one next to him. But I don't really pay a mind to him.

Kakashi-Sensei is talking to Tazuna. Until I heard a name of someone I hate. Gato. He's one of the many bad person who's after me. The Phoenix is one of the bandits that works for him.

'Oh no... I don't want those bandits to know about me. They would try and get me back' I thought. I start shaking in fear.

Sasuke P.O.V

I can feel Y/N getting tense next to me. I turn to her, to see her slightly shaking. Her eyes is wide as she looks down. "Y/N?" I call out as I place a hand on her shoulder. She flinch and moves away from me.

'What's wrong with her?' I thought as I look at her. "Y/N... What's wrong?" I asks once more. "N-nothing... I-I'm okay..." She said, but her voice clearly shows that she's not.


'Get a hold of yourself Y/N. Don't look so weak like this. You're one of the best fighters, you can defend yourself. Just calm down' I thought to myself.

Soon we reached the sore. But I'm a lot calm now. I walk in silent. I can feel Sasuke looking over to me, once in a while. But I just ignore him. Naruto run forward and throw Kunai randomly, scaring Mr. Tazuna and Sakura.

I can sense a strong chakra near by. I draw out my sword and prepare for battle. From the strength of the chakra, I can tell this person is a jounin or higher. Everyone looks at me confused but I ignore them and focus on my surrounding.

Naruto throw a Kunai on a bush. Mr. Tazuna and Sakura-Chan is scolding him. Then out of no where a huge sword was thrown. "Everyone, get down! Now!" I yelled out. I push Mr. Tazuna down. The sword flew pass us and land on the tree behind us.

I stand in battle stance. Then someone jumps and landed on top of the sword. My eyes widened as I recognise the person. "Momochi Zabuza... Rogue Nin of the Village Hidden in the Mist" Kakashi-Sensei said. I just stand there as I start shaking in fear. Naruto advance and try to attack Zabuza. I outstretch my hand, stopping him. "Y/N-Chan... why'd you stop me?" He asks. "He's way out of your league Naruto... You wouldn't stand a chance" I say, still looking down.

Zabuza turns to me. "Ah... I remember you. The girl who's blood can heal any illness and wound" he said. I start shaking more as he continue to look at me. "The Phoenix are still after you... They are determine to get you back" he said. Sasuke steps in front of me. "Who ever it is you're talking about. I won't let them take Y/N" He said, standing in front of me in a protective manner. "Sasuke..." I say. He turns to me and smile.

"Kids! I teach you team works. Protect the bridge builder and stay out of this fight" Kakashi-Sensei said. I stand behind Mr. Tazuna. Naruto and Sasuke on either side of him. Sakura-Chan in front.

The fog starts to get thicker. I start shaking more. 'No... This is not the time to be scared. I have to focus on the Mission of I will be the reason of our group's downfall' I thought to myself. I look down. 'Focus, Y/N! Focus!' I chant in my head. "Sharingan!" I said. My eyes sharpens. '

This is bad... Even with Sharingan the fog is too thick to see through' I thought. "Ah... Little Y/N turns out not only have a special blood. She also have Uchiha blood flowing in her vein. I get why they are after you. I might be after you as well" I heard Zabuza said. Then there's silence.

"Eight point. Heart, liver, jugular, kidney, lungs, artery, larynx, subclavian. Which of these is the killing point" I heard him said. I gather more chakra in my eyes. I can see just faint. I hold the sword tighter. I turn to Sasuke to see him was about to stab himself. "Sasuke! Don't panic... I'll protect you, all of you! I won't let my comrades die" Kakashi-Sensei said. "Such a big words, let's see if you can keep that promise" Zabuza said. Then I feel his chakra gonna be behind me. I turn around and swung my sword. I place it on his neck. "Nice reflex" he said. I stab him, then he disperse as water. 'Water clone... Tch' I thought.

Then another appear behind me. But Kakashi-Sensei appear behind him and stab it, turns out it's a water clone as well.

Kakashi Sensei is now trapped inside a water sphere. "Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto exclaims. 'This is bad' I thought. "Everyone take Tazuna and leave. The clone can't go far away from the real one" Kakashi-Sensei instruct us. "We are not going anywhere! You said it yourself, Sensei! Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum" I yelled.

Naruto and Sasuke plans a teamwork. Naruto throw a big shurikan towards Sasuke. I just stand in my spot, ready to be a back up if needed. But it seems they don't need to.

Kakashi-Sensei and Zabuza starts fighting. Kakashi-Sensei manage to make Zabuza thinks he can see the future. Zabuza is cornered. When Kakashi-Sensei is about to end Zabuza, senbon needles is thrown and hits Zabuza in his neck.

We look up to see a boy. "You're right... It's his last battle" he said. I pant... I use the Sharingan too much. I'm drained. Then the boy took Zabuza and vanished. I collapse to my knees and hands. Sasuke instantly went to my side "Y/N! You okay?" He asks. "I'm okay... Just exhausted" I say. Then everything turns black.

*to be continued*

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