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Heeyoung stared at both of them in disbelieved. Does Hongbin lie to her all these times? About him calling Eunwoo and telling him about her condition. Without she able to give her reply, her phone vibrated from inside her pajamas pocket. She was startled and quickly looked at the phone screen. She froze when she read the name on the screen.

Hongbin Sunbae <3

Eunwoo and Yejin noticed the name and Yejin quickly gave a sign to Eunwoo that they need to go as soon as possible. Eunwoo grabbed Heeyoung's hand, made he flinched and almost dropped the phone from her grip.

"Don't tell him we're here. Please." He begged at her and knew that she was in conflict. He's certain that Hongbin did something that she had to act that way. He can see how anxious she was and she did hide something. She answered the call and cleared her throat.

"Sunbae?" She felt her lips and hands were trembling but Eunwoo never let go of her hands, ensured her that he's always there by her side. The voice from the other line was clearly heard by all of them even though it was not on loud speaker.

"You're still awake? I told you not to wait for me, aigoo I feel sorry." Eunwoo bit his lips when he heard Hongbin's voice from the other line. Yejin waited patiently beside Eunwoo while looking around, she felt like she's involved in a life and death situation.

Heeyoung looked around, nervously tried to find some excuses "Yes..I crave for ramen, I know I want to eat with you but I feel like I want it now. So I walked to the kitchen to have some" she bit her lips while waiting for his response.

"Hahah aigoo, its already late, wait- let's just finish this here and continue tomorrow- okay I'm done with my work, wait for me and we can eat it together alright?" Eunwoo knew that he had to leave soon when he heard that, but he yet to get any answer from Heeyoung so he needed to hurry.

"..eo..okay sunbae. See you." Her trembling voice forced her to end the call right away. She stared at Eunwoo, and then to Yejin, and then back to Eunwoo. "What do you know about what happened here?" She asked them.

Eunwoo let go of her hands and fixed his jacket. He gave a sign to Yejin before she nodded and walked away for a few steps, leaving both of them some space. He grabbed his hair in frustration and tried to remain calm. Yes, he should just tell her what he knew when he was not there.

"Heeyoung-ah. I- we- assumed a lot had happened while we were there. But I can't figure these things up by myself. Something in there-" He showed towards the house " -something might be hiding in there to prove that we are right. I know you know. And the only thing that I can figure that out is through you." he carefully arrange his words so that she doesn't get it the wrong way.

Heeyoung frowned. "What do you mean?" She felt like she knew what he's trying to say so she shook her head. "You want me to find something in there? How can I? I live here and stay alive because of him. It feel- it feels like I betrayed him or something. I can't just roam around the house to find things that YOU want." She widened her eyes and stressed out the 'you' word. He shut his eyes, does she really has no idea about what he's trying to explain?

Eunwoo sighed "So instead of proving that hyung is wrong, you want to protect him? As a way of paying back what he had done to you?" She avoided his eyes and he continued "You are my half life. If I know you're safe, I don't force myself to stand here right in front of the house that I last seen my cousin, trying to beg to my best friend so that she will not disappear like him."

Heeyoung gasped. Eunwoo never told her that his cousin was last seen in this house. Does Eunwoo realized something is wrong from the beginning? What does Eunwoo mean by that? Does Hongbin behind all of these? The conversation between her and Hakyeon lingered around her mind, trying to find some hidden clues between it.

Eunwoo let his tear fell and turned his back towards her, ready to leave the place.

"y-yah.." Heeyoung stopped him. He turned his head and she can see how disappointed he was, it broke her heart, does he seriously think something bad happened in this house? The reason why his cousin was disappeared?

"If you can figure out what happened in this house, you might as well figure out where my cousin is." He shut his eyes and sighed. "-And save yourself from Lee Hongbin. Until then, take care." He walked away and went straight to the gate where Yejin had waited him.

They went to the car and Eunwoo let out his remaining tears. He buried his face into the steering wheel and felt hopeless. Yejin rubbed his shoulder to calm him down. "It's okay, at least we know that she's fine. Let her think thoroughly, she will realize this. Until then, we should start our own way to find information." Eunwoo just nodded and left the house.

The gate sound signed that they have leave the place, leaving Heeyoung outside the house, confused and worried. There's a lot of things she tried to understand. She slowly walked into the house and looked around.

"What is possible to be in here?" She remembered Eunwoo said about his cousin so she walked to the second floor and stood in front of Hakyeon's room. She wanted to knock but her right fist stopped before it touched the door. "His cousin is disappeared in this house? What does he mean by that?"

Taekwoon noticed Heeyoung and stopped a few meters from her. Does she know what happened to them? To herself? Or can she help them to find their old memories back? What about Han Yejin? She does not answer that when he asked her earlier. He stared at her and thought a lot that he frowned.

Heeyoung let a deep sigh and turned to her right "Ahp!-" She yelped and immediately closed her mouth to prevent from waking the others up. She was shocked to see Taekwoon landed his right shoulder at the wall and stared at her. She sighed in relief and walked towards him "Oppa.. you're still awake."

Taekwoon nodded. He was debating with himself if he should ask or tell something to her. He awkwardly scratched his neck and avoided her eyes "I can't sleep. Who just came? Your friend?"

Heeyoung blinked her eyes and nodded. She remembered that he asked something before Eunwoo came "Anyway, you asked me about someone.. what is the name again?"

"Han Yejin"

Heeyoung made an 'aah' mouth. The name feels familiar to her, but she can't remember where did she hear the name. "I'm not sure if I know her, who is she oppa?" He looked at her for a while but then shifted his gaze to the floor, trying to think.

"I don't know" He kinda hesitated about telling her the truth of this house, but since VIXX themselves tried to escape from Hongbin, so it's not wrong to tell her about them. He's sure this time would have come, whether its sooner or later or right now. "But I have something to show you. Not today"

Heeyoung raised her eyebrows, confused with his reply and watched him left her alone when he went to his room. She stood in the dark, alone and feeling worried. "Show me something? About this house? So it's true something happened in this house?" She mumbled by herself.


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