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"I know. I barely noted down." Hakyeon looked down. Heeyoung frowned before Taekwoon handed her a notebook. She carefully opened it and there's 5 different parts, representing each of VIXX. In there, there's sketches, words about certain events, more like a journal for each of them. She looked at each page carefully and read some of the words there.

"What is this for..?" She read Hakyeon's part and there's full of people's names, more like someone he knew or close with before this. But most of it were full of question marks, more like they don't know what they wrote about.

"Our deleted memories. We don't survive every days like a human Heeyoung-ah. We have this certain memories for a certain of time, and every time we had this massive headaches, we will get restarted and it is totally up to Hongbin to put whatever memories he wanted us to know."

"Long story short, we will start to remember a certain part of the deleted memories but since our machine mind can't hold more of what they were able to, so we wrote it down and read it again after we get restarted. We help each other out and we did talk about escaping from Hongbin."

Heeyoung brightened up and looked at both of them "Really? You can do that?"

They shook his head and she sighed. "We need to rely on him, because we are all connected to the machines that only him knows the functions. Escaping from him just like counting our own final days. We know we will be weak if we didn't restart ourselves so there's no use actually to escape."

"But-" Taekwoon took over. "just like you know that we are illegal and it is matter of time that people will find us, more precisely your best friend, knows nothing about us but he knows Hongbin is bad. If he did something, lodge a report of claiming that he kidnapped you or anything, it's the end for all of us."

"So-..we just let Hongbin do these things to you? To- to all of us? We are not even living the life then. Maybe I'm lucky enough that he didn't erased my memories but seeing you guys-" She can't continued her words. She was hopeless as part of her wants Hongbin to deserve the punishment, but that means all of them are going to be shut down, but another part of her wanted to stay alive and its too messed up.

"We don't care anymore. But before anything happened to us, we just want-" He stared sincerely at her, signed that he really hoped that she can help them out. "-we want to see our family. For the last time. And since Hongbin expects that you know nothing about this, you can lure him and give us some time to meet our families."

"Oppa.." She let her tears fell and realized how hard they must have been all these years. Living, but not really. She seem to think of something, yes she needs to help them out, its the end for her anyway but at least she didn't missed out much like they were. "Eunwoo." She looked up and tried to find her phone. "Shit." She left her phone at her room that she quickly she ran to find her phone. Before she exited the room she turned to face them. "Eunwoo can't do anything to Hongbin. Not yet. I'm going to find a way to stop him and all these messed up things. Have faith on me. If he doomed our lives, the last thing that we can do now is to doom his. Just like you said, it's just a matter of time."

Heeyoung ran towards her bedroom and locked the door. She searched for her old phone and looked for Eunwoo's contact. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat before she pressed the call button.

"Heeyoung-ah. Are- are you okay? I am so-"

"Eunwoo-yah. We need to meet. Don't come here. I'll meet you, somewhere. Soon. Wait for me-" She cut him off and held her tears. She should have believed him from the start. "-I need you." She ended the call and ran to the bathroom and cried, again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yesterday Eunwoo furiously walked towards his main door to go and meet that bastard Lee Hongbin but Yejin was quick to pull him using her very own strength to hold the door.

"STOP! EUNWOO CHA EUNWOO please, NO-" She pulled and he tried to push her back but not too hard. He grabbed the door handle tightly that you can see his veins at his hands and it has became reddish. Yejin thrown herself to the door "NO- STOP PLease lisTEn CHA Eunwoo" She grabbed the handle too and almost lost her strength as he's too strong to stop. "CHA EUNWOO LISTEN!"

Eunwoo shut his eyes and let go of the door handle roughly. She sighed in relieved and took a deep breath. He turned around and threw his black cap harshly at the coffee table. "AAAAHHH" He screamed and knelt down, covered his red face with his hands and sobbed.

Yejin walked towards him and slowly rubbed his back. "We need to give her space. She might try to find something for us. I know it's a lot to accept when her aunt told us about her. I have a feeling she will somehow at least find some hints at that house. Let's just wait until tomorrow, if she didn't contact you, we will go there okay? You can't let your emotions control you, I'm afraid that we might lose Hongbin if we act without being careful."

Eunwoo held his head and stared at the floor. "She's hurt. She's blind but she can see what is happening-" He mumbled and sobbed. He nodded and wiped his nose and eyes. "Sorry. I'm too worried about her." Yejin nodded and walked away to prepare them a dinner.

The next day Eunwoo stared at his phone and waited for Heeyoung's call just like what Yejin told him yesterday. Yejin stared at him from the kitchen and held her necklace. The necklace that Taekwoon gave her when they were highschool, before he went missing. She remembered how miserable she was at that time that she had to be hospitalized because she can't accept the fact that he left her. Worse, without saying goodbye or breaking up her.

When she's about to turn, Eunwoo's phone rang and it took him half than a second to pick it up. Yejin walked closer to him.

"Heeyoung-ah. Are- are you okay? I am so-" He got cut of.

"Eunwoo-yah. We need to meet. Don't come here. I'll meet you, somewhere. Soon. Wait for me-" There's a pause and he waited. "-I need you."

"She knows. We'll know something soon." He mumbled and nodded in relieved. He walked towards Yejin and she gave a comfortable hug. They didn't break the hug, feeling assured that they can end this nightmare, and hoping that it will be a good ending.


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