Chapter 1, Part 1

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Hello guys!! It's me again with another book!! This one I think is more serious, and real than any of my other books, and I'd really appreciate if you guys read it and share and comment what you think of it. 


_ Little Infinity


RIAN PARKER and I met back in elementary school. We were those type of friends who were friends but weren't, or at least that was how it felt to me. She needed a partner for a science project, and was too shy to ask around. I needed a partner for the science project and I too was shy to ask around. We bumped right into each other as we were backing away from the rest of eight year olds interacting. And then it went on from there.

We remained friends for about two years after that, then stopped. It didn't happen just like that though. We live in a green area. The town is small and there are trees and hills almost everywhere. All the children of out town knew each other and all went to the same schools and played at the sane places. The go-to place was a large, hilly area, and there's a large long fence that 'contains' a large cow and a few goats. The guy across the fence was said to be a real live troll. I was curious. Rian was curious. And Jonny Cooper, Squirrel, and Esther Levi were all curious as well. So the five of us, and Squirrel's dog Kanye hopped the short, old, half way broken down fence.

The field was clear -- no goats, no trolls. Five gullible kids crossed the fence in confidence, hoping to find the troll and run him out of town, but somehow it didn't work out that way. Kanye managed to disturb the peaceful cow, which we happened to miss when we were walking in, and before we knew it, the cow was chasing the dog, and the dog ran to his owner and his owner was with us, so in the end, we got chased by the cow. Who knew a cow could run as fast?

The point of the story is, Rian and I were running away together and somehow I sort of tripped her, and when she fell, I didn't look back, nor did I stop. According to the other people who looked back, she was trampled by the cow. She broke some bones, remained in a cast for some time, but in the end, her parents blamed me for the entire incident.

during that two years of us not being friends, I grew closer to Squirrel, Jonny and Esther -- we always had something to laugh about if the conversation got dry. We went through Elementary School together and was going on to High School together, that is until Jonny had to move away, leaving just Squirrel, Esther and I. It wasn't too bad without him -- we still had something hilarious to laugh about, the joke just never got old.

Later in high school, my grade school science partner became a woman. She was beautiful -- the perfect American girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and leggy, probably smart. After she became a gorgeous supermodel, and I became a hormonal, still-shy nerd, I began to actually feel something for her. She was popular and she lost her bashfulness when she found a pair of boobs on her chest one morning.

Despite all her popularity and beauty, she still found me one school morning and told me 'Hi' in her cute, girly voice. She was twiddling her hair as she spoke and I would think she was flirting with me, but my zero percentage of self-esteem made me know she wasn't.

She was. She told me she liked me, that she always did like me and every thing I've ever done is all in the past. I couldn't be happier because she was, well she was hot. I couldn't pass up that opportunity.

Just like that, I got a girlfriend. Rian and I dated for three weeks and now she's my girlfriend. Granted, I'm still nerdy and short and everything her ex-boyfriend Mark would shove in a trash bag and kick into the dumpster, but she likes me and it makes me actually feel better about myself. Regardless of everything that happened as kids, she still treats me with like (I'd say love but we haven't reached there yet).

Now I'm sitting in Additional Math class, wondering why its actually called Additional Math when its basically Physics and all that stuff -- really complicated Physics. I've already finished everything the teacher is going on about on my own, so I think wondering off the way I am is okay. Besides its easy for me to catch up. I'm not tooting my own horn but...

Toot toot.

My eyes wandered around the classroom, watching as students rose their hands almost excitedly to answer a problem scribbled across the white board by the teacher. Mrs. Annie-Sam looked around the classroom for one unlucky kid to walk up there in front of the entire class and complete a problem -- risking being humiliated if their answer is incorrect. Given, my answers aren't wrong, but other people's answers might be.

When I was a kid I always wanted to move out of this place and become rich. My parents and grandparents and next door neighbor and shop owner down the street would always preach to me that to do what I want to do in life, I need an education. So that's what I'm doing. I'm taking mine so I could become rich. Hopefully, it all works out.

After this class is lunch, and I'm excited for it, because I get to see my friends -- who I share zero classes with. Each of them at least has one class together, I have none. My classes are pretty lonely, and since they aren't there I don't talk much, to anyone -- teacher or students. Well that is unless I'm forced to interact, which surprisingly, rarely ever happens.

The last time I could remember that happening was when Mark Walker decided to be a major jackass in Bio. It was a period after lunch, when I was completely annoyed by the fact that I had to leave all my friends who went off to their same classes. Mark and I shared Bio and he seemed to somehow know I wasn't in the best of moods. He would continuously talk to me softly and make me the laughingstock of his group of friends, quietly of course. When I turned around to tell them off (or at least my lame version of it) the teacher caught me. She decided chiding me in front of the entire class wasn't enough of a punishment for simply turning around to defend myself, so she gave me what seemed like the hardest thing ik biology to answer, and I just stood there dumbfounded.

Thankfully after that Mark Walker didn't really care much about me. He laughed at me in class then left me alone. He was more focused on his then girlfriend. Now that I think if it, he must really hate me now, since I'm his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend. He hasn't bothered me since, though. He probably has better things to do.

The bell for lunch rang and I felt free. It was a bore to sit in that class. I padded down the halls, slyly moving past the rushing students like a not poisonous snake -- or maybe a slug, or a worm, anything that doesn't cause the world of harm to people. I try my hardest not to be recognized by the rest of students or anyone in general. I like laying low.

Our school is small. Not like other schools in the country; we don't even have air conditioning, we have fans and windows. There's about four different buildings though, which consists of the classrooms, the library, two science labs, the bathrooms, the principal's office and staff room, a room for Drama, Art and Home Economics, and that's it. The cafeteria is outside, and we have no lockers. We carry everything around, unless you find a teacher that likes you and is willing to keep your schoolbag during lunch and break. I don't have those, so I have to carry mine around, looking like a turtle.

There is a giant green field, where they put concrete tables and benches for us, so we usually hang out there underneath the trees. I met my 'squad' if you'd call it that, already sitting there, as usual. Its as though they got out of class five minutes early to make it down here. I joined them silently and stared around the table, they were all here -- Squirrel and Esther -- except my girlfriend. Squirrel and Esther didn't really seemed to mind that Rian was missing, they were talking about a program that Esther claims is 'a load of bull crap, with an exclamation point'. I ignored them for a minute to look for Rian.

Then I spotted her, clinging to the arm of another guy.

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