1: Nothing Serious

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"Why are you awake?" Myles asked in his sexy sleepy voice, finally answering after my Facetime attempt. He licked his pink plump lips and shook his head, adjusting his phone in a position where he could still see me and I could still see him. As he switched on the lamp for better lighting I could see the sleep still in his eyes.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"What time is it?"

"2:15 AM. I can call you back if you'd like." I whispered, trying my best not to wake up Zahra.

"Nah, you good." he said, with a yawn. "I gotta wake up in a few hours to get to work anyways. You alright?" I simply nodded, surveying his backdrop that I was ever so used to see; Tupac, Michael Jackson and Whitney, the three paintings that he cherished more than anything. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." I lied, propping my iPad against my nightstand so I could relax. "Just couldn't sleep."

"That's crazy, because you love your sleep."

"I know right?" I giggled, "I think I just missed you, you didn't call me back last night."

"My fault shorty, after last nights shift all I remember is taking a shower and knocking out once I got to bed." He tugged on his beard as he spoke. "I missed you too though."

"You sure that's what you were doing?" I raised my brow and looked at him, causing him to chuckle. "You sure you weren't out there being fast?"

"You always sounding like somebody's moms." He said through such a cheeky smile. "I swear you got an old lady trapped in that little body of yours."

"And what if I do? That still doesn't answer the question."

"I already answered your question. I needed some beauty rest to catch up to you." He cocked his brow up, waiting for me to respond but all I did was roll my eyes.

"You're too damn big to be that corny!" I taunted.

"I read a meme or a tweet saying girls liked that."

"Well I'm not your typical girl."

"You don't have to tell me twice," he licked his lips. "Nah, but for real. I got a girl like you, aint no reason for me to be fast, these girls don't have what I crave."

"And what is it that you crave?"

"I crave you..." his responses smooth like butter, "I crave the feeling of your touch, your kiss. I crave the ability to see you smile while sitting right next to you. I crave being able to argue with you, slam the door and go into the next room; with the comfort of knowing you are in the next room. I crave seeing you wear my favorite sweaters. I crave the Netflix and Chill, and I literally mean Netflix and Chill because aint no body helping me pay that 11.99 a month." He flashed me his ever so perfect smile, and I couldn't help but blush.

"Here you go again with that poetry." I rolled my eyes, "can't take a word you say seriously."

"You know I mean every word. It's just my way of expressing how I feel."

"We're just friends Myles."

"Although you and I both know we should be more..."

"Myles, you know the distance is too much for that."

"I don't. It's been a year and you've had many opportunities to come visit me and I've offered to come see you many times as well. Not to mention the times where I've sent tried to purchase your ticket, myself!"

Myles (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now