27: We Meet Again

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Myles Thomas

Nah, I definitely can't do this.

I finished off my blunt as stared down at the portfolio in front of me, my new co-worker. DaSilva himself, he was a legend in the streets, I had always wanted to meet him but little did I know, he was Monet's father for Christ sakes! This guy was dangerous, if he found out that I hurt his daughter in the past he would probably cut me up and send my parts to my mother for her birthday; that's the kind of history he had.

I had sat out here in my car for about four hours, a couple blocks away just trying to figure out how mad Judas was going to be when he hears that I quit, because Lord knows that I can't do this.

It's business, I can't let Monet get in the way.

I shook my head and pulled on my beard, trying to think of an excuse but nothing was coming to my head.

Nah, I can't do this.

I dialed Judas' number and I started up the car, but as soon as I did I heard someone knock on my driver window. I automatically reached for the strap on my side but looked to see Mr. DaSilva looking in. I sighed and let down my window, letting go of my burner. "Myles?" he asks.

"Yeah, DaSilva?" I asked, as if I didn't already know. I hung up the phone and set it down in my cup holder.

"Call me Antonio." He outstretched his hand to shake mine, and I allowed it. "I've been waiting for you, Judas said you may have been lost so I followed the GPS attached to your car and found you here."

"Yeah, I was a little bit lost, my GPS kept bringing me to the wrong place." I lied, "I was just calling him to ask for direction, actually."

"I understand, it's a pretty secluded neighborhood." He nodded, "but it's getting dark and I wanted to go over a few things with you and possibly introduce to my daughter before we turn in. So, maybe you could follow behind me?"

"Oh, sorry for keeping you up."

"Don't worry about it. Let's just get off the road before we draw attention to ourselves." He tapped the top of my car and got into his behind me, I watched him do a U-turn and I did the same following behind him. I punched my steering wheel, disappointed in my damn self, it was too late to turn back now.

We pulled into the driveway of his home and he punched in a code, letting us get into the three-car garage. I drove in, parking up next to him and the Range that was parked to my right. it was brand new, still had a bow on it and everything.

I cut off the engine and hopped out, taking out the small backpack of clothes I had. "it's a gift for my daughter. Graduation gift to be exact. I wanted to give it to her tonight but she isn't feeling too well." He pouted, before clicking the remote to lock up his car. I continued to keep silent as I followed behind him, finally going into the house.

"Sorry about the mess, you know we haven't gotten settled in as yet. I'm trying to allow my girl the opportunity to put her own touches on the house since she will be spending most of the time here." He told me as we got in. From a first glance, I could truly say that the place was amazing. Obviously, it wasn't fully furnished as yet, there were a few boxes in some of the corners but from what I could see; it was coming along pretty nicely and there was more than enough space for them to fill.

I followed Mr. DaSilva as he gave me a quick, brief tour of the house, I had to admit that I wasn't paying much attention because my mind was focused on that fact that at any minute now; I was about to run into Monet. I was thinking on what I was going to say, how I was going to play it off, how she was going to react, I even wondered if she got even more beautiful. I wasn't on social media anymore, so I couldn't keep up nor did I enjoy seeing her beautiful face on my explore page and knowing that could've been me.

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