25: Bad Luck

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Please forgive me for my hiatus! I had plans for this book, wrote like 10 times and HATED it every time. Until this morning I decided I was just going to change things around just a bit.

Due to this break there is a time lapse.

I hope you enjoy and that you forgive me.

Love ya.



Three Weeks Later

New York City

Dejounte Murray

These few weeks, have been hell. Complete and utter hell.

"Okay Dejounte, could you please place your hand on her waist?" the photographer commanded, I gave him a straight face and instead my manager sighed and stepped in; placing my hand on Renee's waist. "Thank you." He said snapping a quick picture. "Can we have a smile or is that asking too much?" he asked as he snapped another. Renee looked up at me, flashing an expression of question.

"Time out," I removed my hand, and gestured for Bruce to come over and hand me my flask; the only thing that was getting me through this. I took a couple swigs, wiped off my lips with the back of my arm and handed it back to him. "How long is this going to take? Because I got other shit to handle today."

"We're good for time." My manager assured, "a few more actual good shots and we will be able to leave."

"I already took a good 20. How much more do we need?"

"Well in most of them you look constipated, and frustrated so we practically have none." My mom said from the sidelines.

"Plus, we didn't get any shots of my engagement ring yet." Renee added as the makeup artist rushed in to do a couple touch-ups on her face.

"We gotta do all that?"

"Uh, yes. That's the whole point of a engagement photoshoot silly." Renee slapped my chest, before leaning into it. "I'm ready when you are." I groaned and looked over at the photographer who seemed to be ready as well. I gave him a quick nod and placed my hand back onto her waist so he could get a picture. "Look, I know you don't want to do this, but if you cooperate it'll be finished a lot faster." Renee whispered through a fake smile as she changed poses every time the camera flashed. "We've been in love before, think on the past moments and till we get out of here."

"It's hard to fake something that I no longer feel. This is not where I saw my life."

"That's not what you said before. Marrying me is something you dreamt about, remember?"

"Yeah, that was before I saw your true colors. Before I found someone that showed me real love in a matter of 7 days." I shook my head at the though and adjusted to the pose the photographer was trying to get us to do. "To you this is a green card, to me this is me signing away my happiness."

"I just needed the help, you know I can't be sent back home. I trusted our bond and knew that you'd have my back which is why I came to you. I knew that over the years we built something, this is something we spoke about for years and it's finally happening despite the circumstance. I do love you Dejounte, I always have and I always will."

"Well, if you loved me. You would be smart enough to see that I no longer feel the same."

I felt her tense up under my hold for a few moments, before the photographer cleared his throat and put down his camera. "Alright, I'm going to bring in the chairs, change the backdrop and do a quick outfit change. I'm asking for your full cooperation for the next set, I want to feel the love." He spoke, moving his hands after every word. When he was done he clapped his hands together and flashed a big smile. "Alright?"

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