22: BTS

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Monet DaSilva

"Stupid phone!" I groaned, after realizing that the whole night the charger had been plugged out. Thankfully, I was still an old soul and used my alarm clock or else I would be later than I already was Today, I had a doctors appointment then I had to make it back in time to finish up the paper I should've finished last night, and then get out in time for practice. I also had to make a couple runs; stock up on some tights and a few gym shirts because your girl was getting thick... and fast.

I rolled out of bed, placing my phone on the charger; realizing that it was actually broken and had finally gave up it's course. I put that on the list of things to grab while I was out as well.

I hopped in my shower, making it quick then came out and threw on a over-sized t-shirts, some shorts and mink slides. I let my curls hang loose around my face and decided to just keep it natural and go ahead and skip the makeup. I threw my side bag over my shoulder, and grabbed my keys heading out the door.

It was 12:30, so I wasn't surprised at how packed the hallway of my dorm was. Some girls were already packing up their things, others were doing laundry and some were on their way to their last classes for the week. All together, you could tell that the vibe was different as everyone (me included) counted down the days until they were finally out of this place.

I locked up and as soon as I walked down the halls; the chitter chatter became silent and everyone began to stare at me. I even looked behind me, to make sure that I wasn't tripping. What the hell? Was I starting to show? Did everyone know? These were stares of sympathy, eager eyes. Maybe... they did know?

Instead of saying anything, I put on my sunglasses, sped up my walk until I was out of there and finally outside. I hated awkward situations like that; it felt worse than walking past a group of guys when I was wearing shorts.

Maybe I was overthinking it, after all... why would they even be staring?

I shrugged it off and continued on my way. I would usually opt for an uber because it was much faster but today was a nice day so I thought it would be best for me to just take the bus. It was only a few blocks off campus so I could handle it. Before getting to the bus stop however, the golden arches were calling my name.

I basically skipped all the way to McDonald's and being as I missed breakfast; I ordered myself 20 chicken nuggets, requested unsalted fries and ordered an extra large sweet tea that I was sure I would regret as soon as I was done.

I got my food on a tray and found a booth in the corner, I set my things down and slid in, automatically popping a fry in my mouth as I opened up my sweet and sour sauce. That fry alone hit the spot, so I knew I would be enjoying this meal. That was if this intruder inside my belly allowed me to.

I heard someone clear their throat just as I was about to dunk my nugget into the sauce. I rolled my eyes and sighed before looking up at the tall figure, that hadn't said a word to me in months, even before we left for spring break. "Yes?" I asked.

"Mind if I sit?"

"There are a lot of available tables over there by your friends."

"I understand that, but I much rather sit by you."

"Boy. What do you want?" I asked, smacking my lips. I broke eye contact and decided to eat my nugget anyway.

"Just wanted to check on you. I know we got off on the wrong foot and never buried the hatchet but I feel as though it's right. I don't want to hold on to the past or the problems. So, if it's okay with you, I'd like to start over." I could tell from his voice that he was genuine, but the time was a little weird to me. He'd seen me in the hallways and we had class together, why all of a sudden? I shook it off and Kingsley slid into the seat across from me and rested his elbows on the table. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was a whole mess but he still looked as attractive as usual. "So, what do you say?"

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