34: Him

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This one's kind of short but a chapter is a chapter. Right? Plus I'm away from my computer right now and really couldn't wait.

P.S. Zahra has changed to Leyana Bloom one of the first transgendered model to ever walk the runway.


Zahra Ellis

My eyes fluttered open and immediately, my chest began to tighten. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, as if something was stopping me from doing so. All I could hear was myself gasping for air, all I could see was nothing but a bright light shining above me. I clutched onto whatever it was I could, wanting to scream so bad but I couldn't. I felt the fresh tears stain my skin as another pain in my leg began to take over.

"Don't panic sweetie, don't panic." I heard a voice say, suddenly everything around me began clear. I looked around frantically to see what seemed to be a hospital room. I wasn't too sure until I noticed the IVs coming from my arm and the oxygen mask they had around my mouth. What the hell happened to me? "I'm doctor Simone Smith. You're in the hospital, you may be feeling a little out of it or even a sudden rush of pain. That is the anesthesia wearing off. I plan on replacing it with morphine as soon as I get your vital signs checked out." I looked towards the voice to see a small dark-skinned lady dressed in light blue scrubs. I watched her take her stethoscope from around her neck, putting the earbuds into her ear. The doctor placed it against my chest, nodding as she listened. After doing that she shone a bright light into my eyes then into my ears.

I continued to look around and eventually my eyes landed on the group that I hadn't noticed before, Preston sat in the couch next to me; asleep while Kingsley leaned against the wall watching her every move. His eyes were bloodshot and he seemed to be shaken up. Just seeing the two caused me to immediately break down.

"Everything will be alright." Kingsley assured, inching closer to the hospital bed. "I'm here for you."

Why was I here though?

I watched Kingsley, he seemed hesitant but he still took hold of my hand, giving it a little squeeze. As if on cue, next to me on the other side, I heard Preston stir in his sleep before opening his eyes and stretching.

The doctor removed my mask. "You're probably curious as to why you're here. Right?" she asked, after finishing up her examination. I nodded in response.

"Basically, last night you were amongst the number of victims of the fatal shooting that took place in The Gentleman's club. Unfortunately, you came in here with two head lacs that I stitched up for you, you also had been shot in your right leg leading to a fractured femur." The moment she said that all the pain came right back, I winced; clutching on to the sheet next to me and Kingsley's hand. "I know, I know. That morphine is on the way sweetie," she rubbed my arm.

"We brought you up and were able to remove the bullet; blood flow and everything seems to be fine, but now that you're awake I am going to need to check how responsive your body is to the surgery. Do you mind?" she asked, and I shook my head. She walked around the bed until she got to the end and flipped the sheet up; exposing my legs to the coolness of the room. Dr. Smith pulled out some kind of medical tool from her pocket, then ran it along the bottom of my left foot. "You feel that?" she asked.

"Y..yes." I answered, clearing my dry throat.

"Nice," she ran the same tool against my right and I immediately winced, closing my eyes from the pain. "I'm sorry, we're all done." She placed the tool down onto the platter she had filled with other tools, the removed the gloves she wore. "Although it hurt that was a very good sign. It means your responding well."

I turned my head over to look at Preston for comfort but he was too busy looking at his phone. Dr. Smith gave him a look that could kill. She cleared her through and kicked his chair to get his attention. "Zahra just came out of a major surgery. I think those messages can wait." She rolled her eyes then turned back to me. "You could do so much better. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about." I heard her whisper. "Anyways, I'm going to go check on that morphine, a nurse should be here any minute with some water and medication for you. I'll also be here in about an hour or so, just gotta do my rounds. You!" she pointed at Kingsley, "please hit that red button next to the bed if anything occurs, alright?"

"I got it." he answered.

"Great, see you soon Zahra." With that being said, she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Baby..." I said in a soft whisper, "everything hurts..." I squinted away the tears, reaching out for Preston with my other hand but instead of grabbing it I heard him scoff.

"Say Kingsley, is it okay if we get some privacy?" he asked and my brows knitted together. I looked over at Preston who now stood on his feet, playing with his beard while looking down at me.

"Uh, yeah... I'm going to go check on Aaliyah."

"You do that." Preston said, waving him off.

Kingsley raised a brow then looked at me. "You good Zahra? you need anything?"

"I'm good." I said with a light smile.

"Alright, I'll be back soon."

Once Kingsley left, I felt as if the room got dark, even though all the lights were still on. Preston didn't even look at me, he just held his head down as he paced the floor. I knew by his demeanor that he was angry, just by being so used to his episodes. "Bab-."

"Don't speak." He said, holding up his pointer finger. "I don't want to hear you right now."

"But what ha-."

"I said don't speak dumbass!" he yelled, now looking directly into my eyes as he leaned over me with his hand pressed against my neck. "You disgusting, inhumane creation from the pit of hell." His grip tightened and I raised my weak hand, trying so hard to pry it off but I couldn't. "I can't believe you, you low-life, good for nothing; scum. I curse the very life you live right now."

"I c-ca-." I pleaded as the tears began to flow, and my breath began to shorten.

"You don't deserve to breathe." He spat out before letting go. I quickly took in as much air as I could, holding onto my neck. "But don't worry... I got something for you, you just wait for when you get out of here." He chuckled, taking a step back. While he turned his back to me for a few minutes, I tried to reach for that red button; the pain was agonizing and he was adding to it.

As I lifted my body a bit, he turned on his heels catching me in the act. Before I could hit it; Preston pulled off the sheet I had covering me, and threw me to the ground. "Stupid bitch." I literally screamed out in the most pain I had ever felt in my life. Preston walked around to the side that I was on crouching down beside me.

"Please," I begged. "Please don't hurt me." I pleaded.

"What's the matter ZEKE. Afraid to get beat up like the man you are?" I felt as if life had left my body at the sound of that name.

Before I could even explain myself, Preston stood to his feet and the last thing I remembered, was his boot connecting directly to my face.

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