11: Master Plan

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Just got in from work, sorry that it's short. Hope you still enjoy!

Karla Francis

I could hear the guys making music downstairs from where I sat in the living room, the rain put a damper on things and were stuck inside until it cleared up which by the news report wouldn't even be until tonight. We still could've went out but the guys had work to do and I was so exhausted from last night.

Zahra walked into the living room with a cup of what looked like tea. "Hey girl!" she greeted me, taking a seat in the couch next to me.

"What's up?"

"Still trying to get this alcohol out my system." She steeped the tea bag, the blew on it before taking a sip. "I don't know how you do it."

"I'm a pro." I giggled. "I can't even remember my first drink, that's how real it is."

"Damn, just like that?"

"Just like that. My mom was always pretty easy going when it came to me especially because she was so busy bouncing around with different men every week to even pay attention." I scoffed.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Oh, don't be, I've learnt to look at the positive of every situation I go through. I not only got to have the time of my life while most were stuck inside worrying about homework, but I also was able to become independent..."

"That's encouraging."

I smiled and shrugged.

"So, how long have you and Myles been a thing?" she asked.

"Well, he was my high school sweet heart... we broke up a year and a half ago due to some disagreements but; we're working on it."

"That's sweet, you think what you got is a forever thing?"

"I mean, I hope it is... he's all I want in a man and more. Myles is a provider, he has the biggest heart, goes above and beyond to make his loved ones happy. Everything about him just screams husband and father. I would be foolish if I didn't scoop him up."

"Aww." She cooed. "You guys plan on having kids together?"

"Eventually, yes. If he keeps going the rate he's been going since we got here though... it may be soon."

"And you'd be ready for that?"

"With a Thomas... any day."

"Well I do wish you all the best. I, myself knows how hard relationships can get."

"How long have you been with your boo?"

"... A year and a few months. If you count the talking stage then I'd say two years." Zahra looked down at her fingers as she spoke.

"Has he always been so... violent?"

"No... not really." She sighed and relaxed in the oversized sweater she wore that belonged to Elijah. "He went through something traumatic and took a complete left. I felt as though I didn't even know him anymore, but I stuck with him because I knew he needed me. I just couldn't turn my back on him you know?"

"I understand that, and whatever it is I'm sorry that he had to go through it. As women, we want to always be the comforter in times of trouble, we want to wipe the tears away and make others feel better. But sometimes we get so caught up in worrying about others getting better to the point where we don't worry about how we're feeling."

"I guess... he just had no one, and I couldn't leave him to suffer through that situation. Preston needed me." She sighed, "I just don't know why he keeps hurting me."

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