4: Dark Situation

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Y'all know how these intro chapters go, but hopefully this is filled with a taste of the heat to come.

I love to see feedback, so don't forget to comment! Thanks Loves.

Monet DaSilva

Two Days Away from The Miami Trip

"Ugh!" I grunted, as I dropped the baton on the track for the fourth time in a row.

"What the hell DaSilva?!" My coach yelled, blowing on her whistle. "You got butter fingers or something? Do you need a water break?"

I placed my hands on my hips as I paced the track beneath me. I hadn't been myself, since practice started and something told me that it had to do with the group that watched our practice from the bleachers. The nerves were taking me over, which was weird because once I got on this track, I had a different level of confidence.

I didn't mind the football team because they normally hung out here but seeing Aaliyah and Zahra in the crowd whispering and giggling to one another, just rubbed me the wrong way. Nothing about being replaced, felt good.

Relay was one of our top races and as the anchor I knew I had an important role, but ever since this practice started I have lost two out of three of the 100-meter mock races, completely tanked my 200 as well as stumbled my way through the hurdles. Now this, this was just icing on the cake.

"Am I talking to my damn self?!" she barked, nearing me with a mean mug on her face.

"No coach!"

"Then answer me when I speak to you." Now, she was in my face; her brown eyes piercing holes into mine. "You and I both know how I feel about wasted time. Right?"

"Yes coach!"

"Then why have you been constantly wasting my damn time today?" she asked through gritted teeth. "Championships are in 3 weeks and I'd be damned if I let you ruin relay for this school. We haven't missed a relay medal since 1940."

"I know coach..." I wiped the sweat from my brow.

"Then act like it! Run it back one more time; and I swear to God Monet... if you drop this damn baton I will stick it where the sun doesn't shine so that you remember what it feels like. That way you'll never make that mistake again."

"Run it back." I commanded, then turned back to the team of girls that seemed as annoyed as she was. I didn't blame them though, we should've been dismissed 20 minutes ago but here I was holding us up. "I promise, all I need is one more time you guys." The few that were on the relay team got back into position while the others on the bleachers sucked their teeth and suck down in their seat.

I got back into my position, wiped off the bottom of my running shoes with my hands and looked ahead to see Kingsley join the football team, Zahra and Aaliyah had left. After our little incident in the food court Kingsley did try to reach out to me, but I wasn't having it. For a person to say certain things that easily meant it was a though that festered in their mind for long enough.

The smug smile on his face was enough for me to know that he wasn't here to observe, he was here to taunt me. Now... I was about to put on a show. My eyes narrowed in on my target and I shut my eyes as I heard my coach yell "GO!"

The girls on the bench were on their feet as our first runner took off with a speed I hadn't seen before; clearly, she only needed one more time as well. The baton was passed onto the second runner, then over to the third until it was finally go time; I began to take off and once that cold baton was in the palm of my hand, I was gone with nothing but the wind running by my side. I felt my body go from one level of speed to the next; I couldn't hear nothing, nor see anything, all I saw was that finish line. Once I got there I dropped the baton on the ground and turned around to see the rest of the team with their jaws on the ground, including coach. I narrowed my brows, walking in their direction as I tried my best to catch my breath. "What?" I asked the second runner, who just looked over me with eyes of amazement. "What?" I asked again.

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