8: Coping Mechanism

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Myles Thomas

"You have reached your destination." The GPS said as we pulled into the driveway of a beach house that you could only dream of living in. I expected it though, knowing how wealthy Karla's family was; they never settled for anything less than the best. Karla grew up wealthy but when things went left with her dad leaving her mom and they had nothing; she started selling her body.

However now, her mother was smart and continued to date only the rich and famous, and with Karla bringing in the type of money she was now. The two of them were able to have the things she did now.

I swung the car into somewhat of a slanted park, before cutting off the engine and sprinting out the car. "Damn babe, slow down."

"Can't. gotta use the washroom." I pushed the front door open and ran into the house. Music filled the atmosphere from the beat pill that sat in the living room playing tracks from the HNDRXX album. The interior design was phenomenal and fit for royalty with the amount of effort that was put into it. I couldn't even take the time out to enjoy the view; I needed to find Elijah.

I ran around the first floor for a while calling out his name and looking for him, once I realized he wasn't there I ran up the stairs meeting him at the top; he stood in a pair of swim trunks with a red cup in his hand. "FINALLY! What's up bro?" he tried greeting me with our hand shake but I pushed him back up the stairs, dragging him into a random room. "Whoa... what's going on?"

"You're about to see something... or someone... and when you do; ima need you to act like it's your first time seeing her. Aiight?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I have no time to explain right now. But just know that I need you to play along and exercise your best acting skills. I can't have Karla finding out the truth... I can't risk losing this money."

"Okay bro, you know I got you." He held his hand out and I greeted him properly while he sipped whatever was in his cup. Suddenly, we heard voice coming up the stairs and I let out a loud exhale as I opened the door to see the girls conversing with one another as they both worked together to carry Monet's suitcase up.

"Last time I checked, that is not the washroom." Karla commented. "A real gentleman wouldn't have us struggling to carry up this luggage."

"My bad." I ran down and took the suitcase from their hands, Karla led the way for us; showing Monet where she would be staying for the week. I looked up to see Elijah who stood in the door frame of the room we were just in; the expression he wore looked as if he had seen a ghost or something. I cleared my throat, causing him to quickly snap out of it.

"Oh, Monet this here is Elijah. Elijah, my beautiful cousin Monet."

"And beautiful she is," Elijah outstretched his arm for a side hug, and Monet allowed it. "Nice to meet you Monet."

"Nice to meet you as well Elijah." They pulled apart and Karla continued to walk down the long hallway that led to Monet's room that seemed to be in a whole other wing of the house. That wing consisting of its own living area, mini kitchen and of course a bedroom and bathroom that was the size of a one-bedroom apartment back in NY.

"Although I'm sure we will be spending a lot of time catching up, and on the beach looking like baddies together. I chose this area for you just in case you needed to getaway from our crazy asses."

"I'm not picky at all, all I need is a place to shower and lay my head and I'll be good." Monet smiled, then stepped into her bedroom; looking around. "But this is to die for. I love it, thank you so much."

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