33: Who Shot Ya?

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Myles Thomas

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this son." Judas said through a cloud of smoke. "But you know I got you, everything's set up. 1:30, which is in less than 10 minutes, Roger is going to dim the club lights and allow homeboy to do his lil performance, just wait for the spotlight to hit him and you'll get a clean shot. Don't worry, he will be able to see you right before you do it also. As soon as you get that shot, I have a guy in there named Israel; goes by Izzy. Tall, dark skin, wearing a camo green toque. You cannot miss him; his main purpose is to get you out of there without anyone noticing. The place is going to be a mess Myles, so you need to look for him!" Judas patted my shoulder. "Got it?"

I nodded, but I would be lying if I said I was paying attention. We rode in an all black escalade on our way to the club and to be honest, I didn't know where I was, all I knew was that I was ready to complete this mission. I was seeing nothing but red, and the image of me putting thirteen holes in his chest. Although I was capable of hitting that one shot, I knew it wouldn't be enough for me. I was about to empty this whole clip and this jackass deserved it. my sister? My baby sister?! Yeah, he was begging for it and I was about to give him what he obviously wanted.

I shook my head, trying to get the images of that music video out of my head not to mention to sounds. I gripped around the handle of my gun, my trigger finger literally itching. I had to kill this nigga, I just had to.

We pulled onto the street of the gentleman's club and I sat up in my seat, my hand now on the door handle. "Hurry this shit up." I barked at Captain, our driver. I couldn't wait any longer. I felt Judas place his hand on my shoulder again but this time the anger allowed me to shrug it off.

"Myles." He said, "don't forget, 1:30 is go time." His phone rang just in time because I wasn't hearing a word he said. The moment I saw that club, I blocked out every other sound. I popped open that door and hopped out the car. "Myles, get back in this car! We gotta get out of here."

Ignoring him, I jogged up to the street, taking the safety off my gun. Before I could even get to it I heard the screams of maybe hundreds of people. My brows furrowed together and I walked around the building where the main entrance was; and that place was a disaster. Police lights, ambulance, fire trucks. There were people stretched out on the floor with blood stains on their clothes, I saw a few people on their phones, some talked to police while other nursed their crying friends. It was something that you'd only see on the News, not right; in front of you.

"Myles! Get back in this car now!" I heard Judas say from the open window behind me, I knew finding Elijah in this group was going to be near impossible, not to mention the fact that police had basically locked off the whole strip.

I turned back, hopping into the car. Once I was in, Captain took off, heading back into the direction we were coming from. "What the hell was that?!" I yelled.

"Someone else got to him before he could." Judas shook his head as he spoke. "I just got the call from Izzy."

"What the hell!" I slammed my hand against the back of the empty passenger seat. "That was supposed to be my shot. Who the hell would take my shot? And from what I saw back there they made a damn mess of it."

"I know, it couldn't have been any of my hittas. Izzy's saying it was a young shooter, he died at the scene but they aint identify him yet." I ran my down my face, placing the gun down on the seat next to me; trying to calm myself down. "Whoever it was really had it out for him, to not only risk their life but their freedom, doing it in such an open area like that. No plan. Nothing."

"Whoever it was, was a dumbass and deserved to die for putting their foot where it shouldn't be." I spat out. Judas just sat there, continuing to shake his head. "Do you even know if Elijah's dead?"

"Unfortunately, not."

"I hope not, cause I better be the last face he sees before taking his last breath. That nigga snaked me in the worst way, he can't go out as easy as that. Not to mention my sister, she aint getting off that easy. I may just kill her ass too, now that I think about it."

"I know man... I k-. Yo, Captain, pull over." I heard Judas order, he looked through his window as the car came to an abrupt stop. Whatever or whoever he saw, caused him to hop out of the car, so I did the same. Captain and I walked around the vehicle to see Judas bent down next to someone that laid out on the side walk, from where I stood all I could see was her bare feet and the white dress she wore that was now covered in dirt and blood, she laid on her stomach. I watched as Judas checked her pulse before leaning over her to look at her face that was turned to the opposite direction. Judas groaned.

"Everything okay boss?" Captain inquired.

"Myles..." he spoke softly. "I'm going to need you to do me a favour?"

"What's up boss?"

"Take over the wheel. Captain, help me get her in the car."

I looked over at Captain who was actually quite lanky compared to me, my brow raised and I even had to chuckle. "Boss, let me help you out. I already got my glo-." I began to walk towards him but he held his hand up.

"No, I said take the wheel Myles. NOW!"

"... Alright, damn." I backed away and got into the car, starting it right back up. I waited for about a minute for Captain and Judas to get the lady into the back, Captain took a seat next to her and placed her head in his lap. It was so dark, I could still barely make out her face.

Judas climbed around to the passenger side and once the door was closed he looked at me. "Hospital." Was all he said and with that tone, I knew he wasn't in the mood for discussion.

The ride was silent but every now and then I heard the woman make little grunt noises, along with sobbing sounds and her whispering. "I want my mom."

I drove as fast as I could, until we pulled into the emergency driveway. The place looked like it was flooded with people which were obviously from the club. Nurses stood outside with stretchers apart from the ones that were already occupied by the people that got here in ambulances.

Was it bad that I was searching for Elijah, hoping and praying I would spot him so I could finish the job?

Judas got out and I put the car into park, doing the same. "I'm sorry sir but you can't park here." A nurse ran up to me and said. "I know, we're doing a drop-off."

"Sir, you're going to have to use the main entrance. With this whole incident we are leaving emergency strictly open for the victims of tonight's events."

"She's a victim." Said Judas who came around the car with the woman in his arms; bridal style. "Myles, it's Leisa."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach to see her all bruised up and covered in blood. I saw tears run down her cheeks, her lip and mouth bleeding, her face all scratched up along with a huge gash on her thigh; glass hanging from it. "Leisa." I tried to fight back to pain in my voice.

"Myles," she said with her eyes shut. "Please... don't let me die."

"I won't baby girl." I reached to take her from his arms but her body went completely limp and began to shake in a way I had never seen before; her eyes rolling back and foam coming from her mouth.

"Put her down! She's having a seizure!" the nurse yelled, and Judas did just as she said, placing her right down. As she continued to shake the nurse bent down next to her. "I need back up!" she yelled and as if on cue, a couple of the paramedics ran over to assist her. Followed by police who came to stop the bystanders from gathering.

"Please step back sir." They said to me, but I couldn't it felt as if concrete was wrapped around my laces.

I watched the nurse whisper with the paramedics, one of them even glanced over at me then nodded. A couple minutes passed by and her episode came to a halt but her body still laid their limp. By this time a doctor had made it outside, running over to the scene, he bent down, shone a light in her eyes then stood to her feet. "If we don't get that girl in an E.R. right now; she's dead." Was all he said and all he needed to say for them to have her loaded onto a stretcher and rushed inside.

I ran after them but was stopped at a set of doors, the same nurse looked me in the eyes and said. "We're going to do everything we can." Before shutting those same doors in my face.

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