12: Niggas Aint Sh...

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Monet DaSilva

I was exhausted from last night but here I was bright and early, sitting on the floor of the basement flipping through my textbooks. I was making sure all the references matched up with the cue cards I had made. I was hiding out here all morning while the others slept; I knew the moment they woke up and saw me studying on spring break, they would make it into a joke that I wasn't here for. I was trying the best to break out of the granny mode but I still couldn't manage failing any of the exams next week.

"Perfect." I spoke to myself as I shut the text book and looked down at the cue cards in front of me. I crossed my legs, grabbed a pile and began to go over them; quoting each law, date of law establishment as well as it's reasoning.

I heard a sound in the midst of my studying, and I looked towards the door to see if someone was playing a joke but it hadn't been opened. "What the hell..." I stood up and began to walk towards the door when I saw a head pop out from around the corner the basement. Startled, I jumped; throwing my cue cards every where.

"Oh, my goodness!" I groaned, realizing it was just Myles who had probably used the other set of stairs to get down here. He wore a small smile which meant scaring me was his whole plan. "Look what you did." I said, before crouching down to pick up the cue cards. "You can't just pop up on people like that."

"Well, you're in my creating space anyways so these are the consequences."

"You were sleeping and I needed a place to study."

"Dejounte's rich enough, why don't you ask him to buy you a place to study?" I glared at him and sucked my teeth. "I'm kidding." Myles crouched down, helping me gather up the cards. I stayed silent until we were finished and he handed his stack to me. I began to head upstairs but he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back downstairs.

"Have you lost your manners?"

"Thank you." I said dryly, I tried to move past him but he blocked me. "What do you want Myles?"

"We can't talk?"

"ABOUT WHAT?!" he placed his finger against my lip and shushed me. "I don't know where those fingers have been!" I said, slapping his hand away.

"Monet... just chill."

"No chilling, I have things to do and places to be. Now tell me, what do you want?"

"I...I just wante... I want you to listen to this song I wrote."

"As your girl."

"Monet, please."

"Please what?... I'd rather not."

"It's a remix of MD... the one I wrote for you."

"I could care less." I shrugged.

"I wanted Elijah to perform it on Friday."

"That's up to you... as far as I'm concerned those were all lies anyways. Nothing but some lyrics for you." I smirked.

I watched Myles run his hand against his face, a sigh escaped his lips. "Mo, I want to apologize for yesterday."

"Save it." I waved him off and tried to move him to the side but obviously I was no match to his strength.

"No, for real Monet. I wasn't able to sleep all night..."

"Take Melatonin."

"I couldn't stop thinking about what I said and how I crossed so many lines. You didn't deserve to be spoken to like that."

"Honestly Myles, it is what it is. I was wrong for thinking I actually knew you."

"You do know me, as well as I know you..."

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