44: Forgive Me, Please

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Leisa Thomas

I stretched waking up from a well-deserved, night's rest. I rolled over with my eyes still closed, patting my bed for my phone. With a yawn, my eyes fluttered open and I squinted, trying to adjust to the light that poured into my new room through my floor to ceiling windows. I took in the view from our new condo, it was breathtaking; I had seen the New York sky line in pictures many times before, but knowing that this view was all mine and not just a picture; always amazed me. I was so lucky.

I pushed the covers away from me, throwing my legs over the bed. I sat there for a moment and just sighed a satisfying sigh. A knock on the door broke me away from my thoughts and I looked up to see my mother standing in the door way, dressed to the t in a navy-blue pant suit. "Damn mom, you look good." Today was the final day of her divorce hearing, yet she was dressed as if she was ready to slay someone's entire life.

"Do I?" she asked, adjusting the collar of her baby blue pin-stripped shirt that she wore underneath the set. "You don't think I'm doing too much? It was Andrew's idea, you know I'm not used to dressing up."

"I know you aren't, but it looks great, honestly."

"Thank you, sweetie," she took a look in my mirror and fluffed out her big curls then used her finger to wipe away the red lipstick she had gotten on her teeth. She let out a deep breath and turned to face me. "Well, today's the big day."

"Today's the big day." I repeated. "Are you ready?"

"I don't think I have ever been so ready in my life," she laughed. "I'm sorry to say this but it feels great to finally just get a clean state, to be able to start over again and finally be happy, you know?"

"I know,"

"And the fact that my children are benefitting from it as well, just makes me happier than words can describe!" she exclaimed and she was right. I loved my mom's new choice, although I did still love my father. I believed that Andrew was the answer to her prayers and I wasn't about to block her blessing, I, too, knew what it felt like to love someone deeply and have that love not be reciprocated. I was young, yes, but I knew true love when I saw it and what my mother had for Andrew was so thick that not even a knife could cut through it. I aspired to be that happy one day, whether it be sooner or later, if it wasn't like this; I didn't want it.

"You're right, I'm truly happy for you mom."

"Thank you, Lee." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "I came in here just to let you know that I'm leaving, dropping Gabby off at the sitter but you gotta be out of here by 8 for school, although we are much closer, I don't want you to risk being later." I threw my head back, just thinking about it. "Don't even try it. We made a deal."

"I know, I know." I hadn't been to school ever since the incident with Elijah for more reasons than one. Not only was I going to be known as the girl whose nudes leaked, I was also going to be known as the girl who got the club shot up, the girl whose best friend got shot and as if that wasn't bad enough, to top it all off; I was about to be labelled the girl with epilepsy. High school was brutal and after going through so much trauma, I didn't know if I was ready for it. My mother was nice enough to allow me some time off but I knew with exams around the corner, she was not about to pay with me. "You sure that there's no way I could get another day?" I asked and pouted, "Myles just got home yesterday. I feel like we need to catch up."

"I understand that, you two can catch up after school. His house is luckily not too far from your school as well."

"Mom, really. I don't know if I'm ready."

"You don't have to know, I know you are. Listen, I know you've been through a lot as of recently but understand that what doesn't kill you, makes you so much stronger. You are here for a purpose and I need you to share that purpose instead of staying laid up in between these four walls." She patted my thigh. "Get yourself up, dust yourself off and go stunt on those kids. Let them see that glow, girl."

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