39: Collect Call

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Monet DaSilva

Kingsley stretched out my legs after making me walk for what felt like forever. Now that my ankle was much better, it was time to grind. Although my mind was uneasy from the whole Dejounte episode a couple days ago, I knew I had to focus on what was important, the Olympics.

"You did good today." He said, moving onto my other leg. "I want you jogging by tomorrow then running by the weekend, after that I'm going to have you sprinting."

"Are you sure I'm not rushing into this?"

"Well, we gotta do what we gotta do. We're behind time due to the injury so I'm doing what I can to have you qualify."

"I just don't want to hurt myself again."

"Which is why I'm here, I'm going to tape up your ankle. I'll be right by your side, as your trainer... I need you to communicate with me. Let me know what you can handle and what's too much for you. That's the only way I'll be able to complete this and get you back to where you need to be."

"You're right. Thank you." I winced, tilting my head to the side as he massaged my calves. Being active after four weeks had me sore from simply walking, not to mention the fact that my baby was growing a lot bigger than I expected. I guess it was due to all the stress eating I was doing. "How have you been doing? I haven't heard from you much, since the shooting."

"I know... it was a big wake up call." He shook his head, "I didn't even know how to act afterwards. I still struggle with PTSD, every time I'm in a big crowd or heard a loud noise. Everything comes back to me."

"Same," I sighed. "Crazy world we live in."

"Real crazy. I'm just glad that all of my friends came out alive and well."

"Speaking of that, I've been meaning to see Zahra but every time I call she send my calls to voicemail. Is everything okay?"

"Well, she wasn't as fortunate as you to walk out with just a sprain. Her injuries were far worse but she... is good, or as good as she can be at this point, she really isn't talking much to me either but, I pray for her every day and just hope she recovers, both physically and emotionally."

"I'll do the same."

"Please, she needs it."

"What about Aaliyah?"

"Minor injuries, she's good."

"And Preston." His hand tensed around my leg and I watched his jaw clench. It took a moment before he looked back up to me.

"That's all for today. We'll meet back here, same time tomorrow?"

"Uh... yes."

"Perfect. You got a ride or do you want a ride?"

"Myles is in the car over there, I should be good."

"Alright, well have a good one." He stood to his feet and helped me up then without a hug or anything, he was off, heading towards his car.

My brows knitted together as I took my time and walked over to Myles' car. As I got closer, he hopped out and met me halfway, he kissed my forehead then rubbed my shoulder. "You looked good out there."


"Yup, like a baby deer learning how to walk all over again."

"Asshole!" I slapped him before laughing myself. "You're so dumb."

"I'm just being honest."

"Don't worry, by tomorrow, I'll be running circles around your slow ass."

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