29: Mr. Better

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Monet DaSilva

Everything came back good, I had made sure that Leisa not only took a morning after pill but that she also got tested while we were already at the clinic. One time was all it took and thankfully everything came back completely fine, except for the fact that she had a bruised cervix, they said it is one of the most common sex injuries; normally caused when an individual isn't turned on during intercourse. It also was due to his size, the doctor said. They prescribed her with ibuprofen for the cramping and we wet on our way.

"Thanks again." Lesia said as we pulled up to her school, we had to cancel our date due to her not being able to miss school. So, I made sure to lecture her as much as possible as well as give her some life tips before we got her.

"Please, remember what I said." I told her.

"I will, don't worry." she flashed me a smile as she hopped out of the car. "Have a good day."

"You as well." I waved and watched as she walked off in to the building. I had to admit, after talking to Leisa, I wasn't surprised that Elijah pursued her; not only was she beautiful but her body was more mature that mine had been at sixteen, she spoke like someone that had been through a lot and seen it all and lastly, she was gullible and just searching for the feeling of being wanted; I had been there before, I knew exactly how she felt.

Deep down I wanted to tell Myles so that he could take care of Elijah's good for nothing ass, but I made a vow that I would keep. Leisa trusted me and told me things that I knew would embarrass her if they were spoke aloud. Although, keeping this secret felt so wrong; I knew that deep down Elijah had gotten what he wanted out of her and wouldn't be back; or so I hoped. I knew it was going to break her heart but I rather it be that way, hearts heal... after awhile and trust me, a heart break would be much better than watching your sibling being sentences to life for manslaughter.

It took me a good 45 minutes to get back home and luckily my fathers car was gone. I cut off the engine and took up my things, climbing out and locking up the car behind me. I strutted up the stairs and walked into the house, my nostrils dancing as they were greeted by the smell of my favorite; I don't know why I was craving this but before I left I had requested banana chocolate chip pancakes and the smell alone was confirmation that I had gotten my wish.

I stepped out of my shoes and walked into the kitchen to see Myles, shirtless, flipping pancakes in a frying pot. He had the TV on investigation discovery, taking glances at the show meanwhile looking back at the pancakes, making sure they were cooked to perfection before placing them on a plate that had a stack of about 8. I caught myself licking my lips... but I wasn't licking them over the pancakes.

What the hell was wrong with me?

"Stupid hormones." I muttered.

"Huh?" Myles turned to face me, with the pot in hand. "Oh, it's you." He said. "You can't be sneaking up on people like that." He put the pot into the sink along with the rest of things he had been using to cook, then turned off the stove top.

"Last time I checked this was my house." I pursed my lips as I folded my arms and walked over to see the plate, I had to admit; they were the perfect size, weren't burnt at all and they were fluffy which was something most couldn't achieve. I was impressed, and starving; my stomach growled. "You're a chef now?"

"Apparently, your dad said he hadn't gotten around to hiring anyone yet. He sent me out to buy them but these are truly one of my best dishes so I thought why not throw down, it's been a while anyways." He began to wash up the dishes, still looking up at the TV as he spoke to me.

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