45: Chance

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Few more chapters left!
p.s. Dejounte and Jilly actually broke up 😢
Dejounte Murray

I let out a long yawn as I flipped through the channels on the TV before me. It was the only thing keeping my company since I obviously, wanted nothing to do with the actual company that came by. My mother was dead to me at this point, alongside my sorry excuse of a wife.

"Dejounte, you need to eat." Renee whined, holding the bowl of soup in her hands. "The doctor stopped by earlier and he isn't pleased by your results whatsoever, he said your rapid weight loss is concerning and there's no way that he will be able to refer you to rehab without you first being able to past his physical stability test and in order to do that, you need to at least try to eat. Not only because I'm asking you, but because you want to get back on that court fast, so please just eat a little bit."

"As I said earlier, I'll pass."

My doctor had been by earlier, ran a couple tests that he wasn't happy about but I wasn't really surprised, whenever I was stressed; I tend to stop taking care of myself. Normally I would replace that stress with some kind of drug but being as I couldn't mix them with my prescription, I had to endure it.

On the Brightside however, I was able to take a real shower today as opposed to a sponge bath. It was my first time being out of the bed since the incident and knowing that kind of gave me a bit more motivation to work towards getting out of it more often. Although, I wasn't ready to use the crutches yet, I wanted to start sitting up, using the wheel-chair, maybe even getting outside. But, just as Renee said; my doctor claimed I wouldn't be able to do so until I took care of my health.

"It's been three days, you need some form of substance."

"I had water. I'm good."

"That's not good enough." She groaned, then placed the soup down onto my side table. "Look, I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself DJ."

"Renee, I didn't ask you to help me. Matter of fact, I asked you to leave but it's clear that you're having problems interpreting my requests."

"I understand what you asked but the doctor came to me as your spouse with his concern, so I'm being the responsible adult here. I'm taking this situation into my hands and sticking by your side until you get better, we need to help you recover."

"Like I said before... you can show yourself the door. When I'm ready to eat, I will eat on my own terms."

"How? You fired all your household staff, you won't even acknowledge your mother's presence. I'm here because you need to eat so if you could please just work with me." I shot her a glare before returning my attention back to the TV. "Dejounte, honestly." She rubbed her temples.

"You know what?" I shook my head and grabbed the soup bowl; throwing it across the room, causing it to crash against the wall. "You can leave."

"Another temper tantrum, Dejounte? Really?"

"Get out, Renee."

Renee rolled her eyes then began to grab the rest of her stuff. "I'll leave, but trust me. Sooner or later, we are going to have to talk about what happened. You can't run from it forever because as you heard from Nadia's big announcement. You're about to be a father, again. So, when you're ready to be an actual adult and talk to me, let me know."

"Don't hold your breath on that one, I'd rather meet you in court than speak to your dumb ass willingly."

"I'm just going to ignore your irrationality."

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