10: Hurt You

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Myles Thomas

"Excuse me." Monet growled, pushing past me to get to the fridge. This was the attitude she had ever since everything went down last night. Although I was pissed drunk at the time, the thought of the whole night replayed in my head. The security was not only breaking up the fight but throwing everyone out the club. I saw Monet standing on the stairs, surveying the situation; Dejounte's arms were around her and jealousy took over me. I grabbed Monet, throwing her over my shoulder. Not only because I didn't want to leave her behind, but because I didn't want to see her with him for any longer.

Now she had this attitude... We were the only two up in the house, she walked around in a pair of shorts and a lace crop-top that barely left any room for imagination. Not to mention the fact that she kept bumping and rubbing up against me; even though we had more than enough space in this kitchen.

I was trying so hard to fight this temptation that I had no choice but to step outside. God only knew the kinds of things I wanted to do to knock that attitude right out of her.

I sat on the patio outside enjoying the 11 AM morning sunshine while the rest of the house slept after what was a crazy first night. After the impromptu fight with Zahra's sorry ass boyfriend we spent a few hours in the emergency of a hospital; they wanted to keep Zahra over night but with the vast number of patients coming in with the same alcohol poisoning, they told her to just rest, stay hydrated and of course gave her a handful of pamphlets on abuse awareness. Although she wouldn't admit it, we all knew.

I didn't know how Monet did it, but after the story she told me on the plane about their friendship breaking up; seeing her run to her best friend's rescue was surprising but gave me another reason to like her more. Monet was selfless and caring. Karla on the other hand was annoyed and wanted nothing but to go home, she said we were ruining her trip, how she didn't come here to play baby sitter; this that and the third. I was so over it and turned off by her the entire night. The moment they sent us home I thanked God and was even happier when she just took her ass to sleep when we actually got to the house.

I drank some of my coffee and sat it down on the table and took my phone out of my pocket. I hit the FaceTime button under my moms name and propped the phone up on a vase so she could see me. After a few rings her face popped up and she was so close that I swear I could see every single pore she owned. "Ma, you can bring the camera back a little bit you know?"

"Hush, I like it where it is." She shot back. "How's your trip and why did you take so long to call your momma, boy?"

"I apologize we were getting settled in, some stuff went down last night... and yeah."

"Some stuff, meaning?"

"I'd rather explain everything when I get back. There's just sooo much craziness going on around me." I pulled on my beard. "Anyways, how's everything down there? How's Gabby and Leisha? Dad? Unc?"

"Well I can't wait to hear this. Everyone's doing well, Leisha had her first consultation yesterday and she's been on cloud nine ever since." A smile crept across my face. "If only she was awake I would let see the change in her entire demeanor."

"I can only imagine, she's been wanting this for a while."

"And you made it happen, I can't say thank you enough Myles. This means more to me than words can describe."

"Don't mention it ma, you know that my family comes first." I heard the sliding door behind me open and turned to see Monet walking out with a bowl of cereal.

"My bad, I didn't know you were on the phone." she whispered trying to step back inside.

"Who's that?!" my mom asked loudly, getting closer to the phone that she already was. I chuckled and so did Monet who gave me a look as if she was asking for permission to say hi, I nodded.

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