43: Free

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this is about to be a deep one. Hope y'all are ready.
Also it pains me to say that Myles will be ending soon and unfortunately it will not be a series. 😢
Anyways enough of me. Enjoy


Myles Thomas

"Mylessssssss!" my sister exclaimed, running over to me with her arms wide open. I couldn't help but smile as she wrapped her arms around my body. The cops that had walked me out of the building gave me a pat on the back before heading inside. I had to admit, I hated the pigs but since I was in their kingdom, I learnt that since I can't beat them it was best to join them. I gave them a quick nod as I rubbed on my sister's back, swaying her back and forth.

"You best not be crying!" I said, pulling away to look at her tear covered face. "You twerp."

"Hush up," she shoved me before wiping away the rest of her tears with the arm of her sweater. "You just smell so horrible that it brought tears to my eyes."

"I gotta agree with you there." I raised my arm and took a sniff. "I need a shower, badly."

"You need to soak for a few hours to be exact."

"Alright, alright, you know you don't want me to start roasting you now." I shoved her slightly then looked up to see my mother get out of the car, holding Gabby in her arms. The moment her eyes met mine, she covered her mouth as she began to cry.

I sighed as I walked down the steps alongside Leisa, I hated to see my mother cry, especially knowing that I was the cause. "What you crying for ma, I'm out." I wrapped my arms around her then placed a kiss on her cheek and another on Gabby's. I had to admit, I missed them more than words could describe.

"They're tears of joy." She said against my shoulder before pulling away to wipe her tears. "I'm just happy that it wasn't as long as the last time."

"You and me both." I smirked. "How have you been?"

"Better now." She rubbed my cheek and popped open the back down to set Gabby back down in her car seat. Leisa hopped in on the other side and I walked around to the passenger side, jumping in as well.

Although I was more than happy to see my mom, I was kind of wishing that Monet would've been here as well. The officers had told me that it was her father who came by earlier to pay my bail and I had high hopes that she would've been with him as well but obviously, I was wrong.

Once my mother got everything together, she cut on the engine and wasted no time before pulling out of the parking spot she was in. I let my window down and allowed the fresh breeze to just blow against my skin, it was getting cold in New York as winter was approaching; but trust me, being away made you have a love for the cold that you no longer had access to.

Most of the ride was silent and since it was so far out of town, I wasn't surprised to see Leisa and Gabby fast asleep before we even hit the freeway. I laughed after taking a glance at them in the rear-view mirror. My mother took a look and chuckled to herself as well. "No matter how grown she thinks she is, she will always be my baby." She said. "Moments like this are a reminder."

"I feel you."

"You as well." She said, turning her attention towards you. "Moments like this are a reminder that no matter how much you think you're the man, you will always and forever be my only baby boy."

"Okay ma," I rolled my eyes and smirked a bit.

"I'm not joking."

"I know."

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