5: Landed

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Zahra Ellis

"Can you relax!" I said, elbowing Preston who had obviously had way too much to drink on this flight so far. The whole time he was either kissing up on me or yelling things and disrupting those who were trying to sleep. I was so busy babysitting that I hadn't even gotten the chance to truly enjoy this flight; and Lord knows how much I loved my flights. I found them so peaceful, but this time... it was the complete opposite of that.

"Sorry, I just can't keep my hands off of you." He cooed before kissing my lips again. "Do you know how beautiful you are? I'm so lucky." He kissed my lips again then finally the signal for us to take our seat belts off came up before us. We were finally landed!

"It's bout to be lit!" he yelled, startling a few of the people in the plane.


"Stop being such a buzzkill," he whined as he rose from his seat now that the plane was landed. "We're in Miami for God sakes, the last thing I plan on doing is relaxing."

"I understand that but can you at least wait for us to get off the plane?" From where I sat I could see the individuals looking over at my boyfriend with disgust and to be honest I didn't blame them. I stood to my feet as well looking over a few rows to see some of Preston's team as well as Kingsley snuggled up next to a sleeping Aaliyah. I don't know how she finessed the seat next to him from the elderly man that was originally supposed to sit there, but one thing I knew about this girl was that she was good with her words. Now that elderly man sat in the middle of our loud, obnoxious football team. I almost felt bad for him, but luckily the flight wasn't too long.

"There's no time for me to wait, I only have seven days to turn up before finals."

"Yes, and as soon as we get out of customs and into our uber you can do just that."

"Too late baby, I'm already almost there." he smiled and reached into the overhead compartment for our carry-ons. "Let's get up out of here."

Preston grabbed a hold of my hand and ushered me through the aisle until we had gotten to the exit, through the tunnel, picked up our bags then finally through customs. I was more than relieved that we had no trouble with his behaviour. Thankfully, he was able to control his liquor if need be.

"We're in MIAMI!" Some random guy yelled, running through the airport and of course Kingsley and Preston hyped him up. I giggled and threw my sunglasses on, bracing myself for the weather that awaited us through the sliding doors.

Kingsley ordered us two uber's, one for us and the other for the team. I sat on one of the benches, turning my phone on. I sent my mom a text; letting her know we made it then checked to see if my messages to Monet had went through. I didn't mean for her to hear the things I said that night, and I hadn't seen her come to the room ever since. Although, I knew she had come by because little by little her things were being moved out; she knew my schedule and was very precise with the way she went about it making it so that we wouldn't run into each other.

"4 minutes!" Kingsley announced.

"Bless! I'm trying to hit up a liquor store ASAP." Preston said, plopping into the seat next to me. "You heard from Monet?" he said directly to me this time. I shook my head no and he gave me a slight nod, "she must be really mad at you, I aint seen you guys go this long without talking."

"I know, I really said some hurtful things... I'm just hoping she didn't hear it all."

"That's why it's important to be mindful of the words you say, you never know who's listening."

"You're right."

"Blah, blah, blah. Who cares... Monet's a big girl." Aaliyah added, "Zahra felt a way and she let it be known. I think you should support that decision Preston, your girl finally got rid of her burden."

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