13: The Real You

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Dejounte Murray

"I just need you to reschedule with them, I'm really not feeling too hot right now." I spoke into my phone as I swung my car into the driveway of the house Monet was staying at. My high had kicked in and although I had mastered the art of driving under the substance; I didn't want to risk going to far out with this Miami traffic. Not to mention the fact that the paparazzi was probably patrolling the area awaiting me, I didn't want to risk a slip up.

"Dejounte, this is Adidas you are talking about... they work with Kanye West! It was almost impossible getting you a meeting with them in the first place and now you want to cancel? You're already an hour late and I bought you all this time for nothing?!"

"I know Josie, I'm sorry... I just can't handle that right now."

"This is ridiculous." She sighed, "this is a huge opportunity that you are throwing away. Do you know that?"

"I'm asking you to reschedule, not decline the offer."

"I'll call you back later."

"Alr-." My manager hung up the phone, I checked my notifications to see a few messages from my mom, Renee and Chris reminding me about tonight. I cut the engine off, put on a pair of shades then stepped out of the car slowly, trying to maintain my balance. I took a deep breath then braced myself as I made my way from the car up the steps and to the front door; a short walk that seemed much longer when you were high.

I rung the doorbell and took a step back, about thirty seconds went by before I saw the door swing open and Zahra along with Elijah stood in the doorframe. "Hey Dejounte!" she greeted me then stepped to the side so I could come in. I dapped up Elijah out of respect before giving Zahra a quick side hug.

"What are you guys about to get into to?" I asked, examining their outfits.

"Just about to head out to go get my things from the hotel, then we're going to hit up the mall." Zahra answered, "you're on date number 2 already?"

"I guess you could say something like that." I smirked, "where's she at by the way?"

"In her room. Up the stairs; take a left and she's all the way on the other wing." Elijah replied, twirling his key on his finger; after going to the premiere with him I realized he was a pretty chill guy but there was something about him that I just couldn't vibe with.

"Thanks, enjoy shopping guys."

The two said their goodbyes to both me and to the house before stepping out. I stepped out of my shoes and walked into the place, from the entrance way I could see the bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase; and the house keeper putting together a meal. I greeted her as well, before heading up the stairs.

I got to the top, and one of the doors to the right opened. I turned to see who I'm assuming was her cousin, coming from her room. "Oh, hey you!" her cousin said, she walked up to me and extended her hand for me to shake. "I'm Karla, Monet's cou-."

"Cousin. I'm Dejounte, nice to meet you." I took her hand into mine and kissed the back of it.

"Nice to finally meet you as well, even though you're stealing all the cousin time I planned; I'm happy to see Monet having fun with you." Karla twirled her hair and bit her lip meanwhile sizing me up. "I hope you're having fun as well... because if not," she pursed her lips then began to zip down the cropped hoodie she wore; my brows furrowed. "I can show you some fun, for a good price of course."

"Uh, I think I'll pass..." I removed my shades and looked her over, was this trick serious?

"Hmm... for not, but whenever you're ready" she said inching closer, "my number is 555-98..." before she could finish the bedroom door opened again and this time Myles stepped out; he was in the middle of texting so he hadn't noticed how close she was to me. Karla backed up and adjusted her zipper. "You ready babe?" she asked him.

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