The Spectator

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Just warning you this chapter won't end the way you may have thought. Enjoy.

Nate did not disappoint as he picked me up even early for his event. 

"You look stunning." Nate can't stop checking me out as he helps me into the limo.

"Thank you, Nate. You don't look too bad yourself."

"I mean if there's one way to make someone jealous you definitely doing it in that dress."

"Nate, enough with the compliments

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"Nate, enough with the compliments. You need to save some of them for when we're in front of the woman you want to make jealous." Nate takes my hand and holds it the whole way. The moment we step out the cameras are in our faces asking for millions of photos. Some even asked if Nate and I are together. Nate's only response was placing a kiss on my cheek. I didn't stop him and I don't think I wanted to.

Charlie's POV

"Have either of you seen Nate?"

"And if we did we wouldn't tell you." Penelope can always be so bitchy. Just then we turn to see all the photographers flashing their cameras at none other than Nate with Ella Bass at his side. I knew they were close friends but the way he held her and kissed her cheek made me think differently.

"How are we supposed to compete with Ella? She's already one of Blair's maid of honors!"

"It's game on." Penelope goes to work out her strategy to get a kiss from Nate. I decide the best way is to work the charm. I'm friends with both Ella and Nate so it won't be weird for me to hang around them for the night and when the times right I'll be the one kissing Nate and being a bridesmaid.

Ella's POV

"Wow who knew these offices would be so huge." I admire Nate's place of work.

"I mean it's no Bass Industries, but it does the job."

"Now where is this woman you want to make jealous so badly?" I peer around wondering who the beautiful woman that caught Nate's eye.

"Um, this is where you're going to judge me a little, because..."

"Nate!" Nate and I are brought apart as Jessica from Columbia are jumping next to us with excitement and being all over Nate. "These offices are so big. You have to show me yours." Nate is one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. He reached for my hand as he leads Jessica and me to his office for a tour.

"Oh, I'd love to. Yeah, we got a lot of uh..."

"There you two are." Nate and I turn our heads to see Charlie. I hug her happy to see her since the fashion show. "I've been looking for you two everywhere."

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