Girl Talk

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I am so happy to hear you are all loving season six. I love writing it and I'm sad it's only ten episodes. These last chapters hunting down to the end of the series is going to be a rollercoaster of drama and excitement. Be ready to cry and fall in love or out of love with Ella.

Carter is off in Europe for the week which gives me time to myself or so I thought. Ever since we all found out the weird unknown connection between her new boyfriend and Nate she can't stop talking about how weird it is being a young almost stepish mother. Since coming back Blair has refused to talk to either of us something to with her focusing all of her time on being in charge of Eleanor's company and needing to get things right. I know when she feels pressured to do something perfect she gets obsessive and can't think of anything else. This is one of the first times when I've been closer to Serena than I have Blair and it's weird but in a good way. Serena is my step-sister and we will always be family to one another.

Serena desperately wanted to meet for lunch at my place after calling saying how much trouble Sage is causing for her. I laugh at the idea that Serena has finally met her match. An evil potential step-daughter is something that she never thought of and it's humorous to see her handle it.

"You should have seen her at breakfast E, she was bashing me left and right and wouldn't even answer me or Steven when we talked to her she..."

"She's a teenager who isn't thrilled that her dad is dating someone three years older than her. You're the age of an older sister not the girlfriend of her dad." I point out the obvious.

"Come on you out of everyone should know what it's like. If I remember correctly you never tried to run off any of Bart's girls."

"One most of his girls were prostitutes or wannabee models that just wanted their name out in the public. Trust me if I wanted them gone I would have done it, but it would have been a waste of my time."

"What do you think about Steven?"

"He seems nice and funny all of the few times I've met and talked to him. Other than that I don't know anything else about him."

"He's so much more than that."

"What is he like?"

"He's everything I've ever wanted and more. He treats me right and gives me advice about life and E I can imagine myself with him and loving him forever."

"S, this sounds serious."

"It is. I really love him and that's why Sage not liking me is such an issue."

"She's not going to like you. I mean she dislikes me and acts bitchy when she met me at the gala just because I'm Nate's ex." Something dawns on me and I look wide-eyed at Serena. "Does she know about your past relationship and fling with Nate?"

"What? Of course, not why does she... Oh..."

"Do you think if she finds out she would hold that against me and..."

"S, she is Steven's daughter and her finding out that you dated Nate should have no effect on your relationship with Steven, but..."


"It does make things more complicated. Not saying it's happening but if hypothetically she marries Nate and you marry Steven that would make one weird family dynamic."

"Eww, gross. Just thinking about it makes me want to hurl."

"I'm sorry but it's the truth. Now that they're together you have to think of the future."

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