Runaway Bride

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Finally, the wedding began as the wedding party lined up and prepared to take their stroll down the aisle. I took the arm of one of Louis' groomsmen and waited my turn. When they opened the doors, we could see everyone turn to gaze at us. As I walked I passed Nate who smiled brightly at me. I wished he and Louis could have been closer so he could have walked with me, but I still get to go home with him afterward. Everyone's made it through the beautiful church and now our heads turn when they open the doors again to reveal Blair to the world. She looked radiant as Cyrus and her father escorted her down the aisle. Louis looked at Blair with such affection that I can only hope everything works out for them. After everything she's been through she deserves her happy ending.

Just as the wedding began I could see from the corner of my eye that Chuck is standing by the door

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Just as the wedding began I could see from the corner of my eye that Chuck is standing by the door. I feared he would make a spectacle and interrupt the wedding but the most he did was share a longing gaze with Blair before heading out. He stops dead in his tracks when everyone's phones go off and they immediately check to see. What baffles me is how people have their phones on high volume during a godforsaken wedding. Suddenly, through everyone's phone a video is played from Gossip Girl with Blair professing her love to Chuck moments before her wedding. The anger in Louis' eyes was something I've never seen in a persona and Blair felt it. She gathered her skirt and ran out of the church leaving us all wondering what the hell just happened.

The church cleared as everyone awaits news about Blair and Louis. We quickly spotted Georgina she tries to leave hastily.

"Georgina!" Serena says as Dan, Nate and I follow.

"You caught me. I'm so scared."

"What'd you do?" Nate asks her point blank.

"I didn't do anything." She says.

"Oh, you expect us to believe you're just an innocent bystander?"

"More like a cheap whore." I state and everyone looks at me. "I know it's a church but I rather swear and speak the truth." I state.

"Thank you E. She's right I never said I was innocent. I just like to watch. And while I love our annual showdowns as much as anybody, if you're looking for someone to blame for what just happened, you've got the wrong girl."

"Enough with the lies Georgina. We know you played a part in what just unfolded!" I was getting so irritated with her. She's always one of the first people to mess with our lives just because she likes to see us suffer.

"Sure, I made the video Gossip Girl played, but I didn't send it in. I left my camera with Chuck, thinking he'd show the prince, and they'd have a dual at dawn for what's left of Blair's virtue, or maybe it's royal fisticuffs. Whatever those are."

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