Horse Shows and Drama

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Sorry, for the long wait. I re-wrote this chapter a few times before settling on this one. I wanted to give you al the best product I could think of for this series ending. I hope you all enjoy and stay tune for more to come.

Like life couldn't get any crazier Bart had to call me when I was in the middle of class and demand that I clear my schedule. I demanded back to know what for and he broke it down for me that Chuck is putting lies out on Gossip Girl to attack Lily and he needs to stop. Bart is going to take care of things on his end but he wants to me to talk with my brother. I don't know what he expects me to do. Chuck and I have barely spoken in months and from my talk with Blair he's still upset over me siding with Bart or so he thinks.

I head over to the Empire to talk with Chuck and to just get this over with. I don't need to be annoyed with Bart's constant calling. I head straight up and run into none other than Lily.

"Ella, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Likewise, Lily. I'm guessing you're here to talk with Chuck."

"Yes, he's been avoiding my calls all day and I just need to know that he wouldn't do the things Bart is saying. Are you here about what has been posted on Gossip Girl?"

"Bart demanded that I speak with Chuck and tell him to stop. He doesn't like speaking with him on these matters. He would rather have others do it for him."

"Well, maybe together Chuck can stop avoiding things and we can move on as a family."

"If only it was that easy."

"Come, I'm going to call as we surprise him." Lily calls Chuck and we can hear his phone ringing just as we come out of the elevator. He ignores Lily's call again.

"Well, at least I know your phone is working." Lily announces herself and Chuck jumps off the couch surprised to see us. "What I don't know is why you're avoiding my calls." Chuck looks from Lily to me not knowing what to say.

"It's nothing personal. As you know I have been avoiding my father..."

"And me." I add and Chuck nods his head.

"And Ella. And as you are married to him and are close with Ella..."

"Does that mean you're behind the stories about me on Gossip Girl?" Lily asks the million-dollar question.

"Is that what he told you? Is that the reason you are both here?"

"Bart wanted me to talk to you about the stories and if you were behind them to knock it off." I say looking at my brother.

"I hope you know I would never do something like that to you." Chuck says to Lily.

"Well, I needed to hear it from you. I also needed you to end your feud with your father and sister."  Lily looked at me.

"Lily, Chuck and I don't have to do this now and..."

"You're father not being dead is even more of a reason that you two shouldn't waste time-fighting or not speaking with each other."

"It's not that simply Lily, we uh..."

"She's right Chuck. We shouldn't act this way towards each other. I'm ready to sit down and talk whenever you are."

"Uh, yeah..."

"Well, I got us tickets for the horse show, but it starts in an hour, so..." Blair walks in and Lily and I are shocked to see her. She is just as surprised to see us in the room and I try and gage Chuck's response but he's acting too calm about everything. "Oh, hello Lily, Ella." Blair greeted us.

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