What Have you Done Lola?

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We're getting close to the end of season 5 and I can't wait for you all to see what I have planed for season 6. It's going to be a whorl wind of adventure of course drama filled moments.

"What have you done?" Chuck asks as we head into Nate's room. We're both furious now that our one shot of keeping our father here has gone straight to shit.

"Okay, someone has to tell me what's going on here."

"We couldn't let her get away without any consequences. She's done nothing but to deceive all of us, including both of you. It just wasn't right." Nate says with no feelings behind it whatsoever. I swear I want to strangle him right now.

"Yeah, we're sorry we messed up your deal, but this was beyond business. It was personal."

"You bitch! You have no idea how personal!"

"Ella, calm down." Nate tries to intervene, but that's not happening today.

"Shut the hell up Nate. None of you know how personal this deal we made with her." I am seething mad and Chuck is the only calming force in the room right now.

"We made that deal with her so she would help get our father out of hiding." Chuck explains.

"Wait. Your father. You mean Jack?" Serena asks from behind us. We turn around and look her in the eyes.

"No, we mean Bart. He's alive." I blatantly state before going back to glare at Lola and Nate.

We sit everyone down and explain what Bart told us so we can all be on the same page. Nate slow at getting it but that's understandable since he's stupid.

"So, all these years he never made any attempt to contact you two?"

"Or my mom." Serena adds.

"It was too risky." I say still not looking at Nate.

"If my memory serves me right. Lily was in the process of leaving him for Rufus. He only came out of hiding to save us after the accident."

"We're hoping to return the favor. Until your bitch of a friend ruined that plan when she exposed Diana." I spat at Nate. I don't care if I'm being harsh. My life has turned to shit since she and Ivy came into the picture and I'm tired of it.

"I hope she feels justice has been served because she cost us our father." Chuck adds.

"Hey, both of you ease up. She didn't know about Bart. None of us did."

"And, why should she? She's not our friend and she sure as hell will never be one now!"

"Ella, you're taking this whole thing out of proportion."

"Nate, my father is alive after three years of believing he was dead! Nothing is being taken out of proportion!  While you were with Lola of all people my world was being turned upside down and you were nowhere to be seen! You haven't called or checked up on me since then and..."

"Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." Chuck calms me down and Nate looks confused on what to say.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Serena asks sincerely to us.

"We're not sure. Once this guy shows up and Diana's girls aren't there he's gonna know something isn't right."

"We need to come up with a new plan fast." I state as Serena opens her arms up for a big hug.

"You don't need a new plan. You just need new girls." Blair's voice is coming from behind the corner. She walks towards us with a smile on her face. "And since you have a Julliard actress at your disposal, and one who wants to fix what she broke."

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