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I am sorry in advance. That is all I have to say. Read this chapter and know I am sorry.

After getting Bart to come back to the city with us and not have to worry anymore about someone trying to kill him. You would think I wouldn't have anything else to worry about, but I still have to deal with the Diana and Nate situation. Mainly if there was ever a situation in the first place. Chuck told me that night that Nate told him about sleeping with her to get the planner and that he lied about getting it when I was distracting her. The thing that bothers me is when I talked to Diana about sleeping with Nate she said she hasn't for months. The woman who has lied to me about being my mother can't be trusted, but she has never shied away from rubbing in my face that she's been with Nate. In fact, this was the first time that she didn't cop up to her sexual in devours with him. Why would she lie now? And if she's telling the truth why would my brother lie to me. What did Chuck have to gain from telling me this lie?

Nate was more than happy to meet me at my apartment. Blair was back at her mom's place doing damage control while Serena was doing everything she can to fix what she started while being Gossip Girl for some time. We have the whole apartment to ourselves and don't have to worry about anyone interrupting us for some time. It's hard to have such a serious conversation when he comes in looking so good.

"Hey, babe." Nate comes to hug me and places a kiss on my forehead. "I'm glad you've called, how have you been since Bart's been back."

"Things have been weird as they should be when your father comes back from the dead. But that's not what I want to talk about."

"Oh, then what do you want to talk about?" I keep fidgeting not knowing how to phrase this without coming off crazy or as being a bitch, but sometimes the truth hurts.

"That night when we snuck into Diana's sex club and Chuck and I discovered Bart was alive I was told something that has been bothering me."

"Like what?" I look Nate dead in the eyes and take a deep breath.

"Did you sleep with Diana to get the planer?" Nate's face of pure shock of horror was all I needed to know that something was wrong.

"What? No, I got the planer when I texted you when you were with her at lunch. Why would you think I slept with her?"

"Better question why would Chuck say that you told him you slept with her after failing to get the planar the first time?" Nate moves closer to me and reaches for my hands. I let him hold them but that doesn't make the situation easier.

"Ella, I have done a lot of dumb things in my life, but I would never cheat on you. You're the most important thing to me and I would never jeopardize that." I feel the first tears hit our hands. I reach up to wipe my face.

"Nate, I know you love me and I love you so much. You've brightened up my life in such a way that I never thought I could ever be this happy..."

"Why do I feel like there's going to be a but in this?" I compose myself before looking at Nate again.

"You've given me the happiest moments in my life, but you've also filled it with the greatest sadness."

"But I didn't sleep with Diana like Chuck said. Sure, I've messed up with Valentine's day and..."

"Nate, let me ask you one question. Where were you that night when I found out Bart was alive?"

"I was uh busy with Lola to give Gossip Girl back her computer to save Serena from becoming something she's not."

"As nice as that was for you to save Serena. Did you ever wonder where I was or if I was okay? We did go to that manor to track down Jack who I thought was my father and yet you had another agenda."

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