What Happened in Portugal?

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Thank you, for all of the amazing feedback. I can't believe season 5 is almost done. One more season before this book ends. I never thought I would receive this much praise for these three books. Enjoy this new chapter.

Chuck made some more calls to sources that can give him answers that what's going on with our lives. Why is the identity of our parents the center of our attention once again? I just want to put this behind us so we can move on with our lives. Nate and I move to his room to get ready for bed and to discuss what happened today.

"Were you able to get what you needed from Diana's room?" I ask as I strip off my clothes and change into one of his shirts.

"Thanks to you forcing yourself to sit down for coffee with her, I was able to find her day planner." Nate holds up the red leathered book and hands it over to me.

"This is all written in code and there's something for every day. How do we even crack it?" I ask. Nate strips out of his clothes and into some sweats before joining me in bed.

"That's the problem I have no idea how to crack it. I thought we won once I found it, but seeing that it's coded made me realize we have a bigger problem on our hands that I originally thought." I hand him back the book and rest my head on his chest as we get comfy.

"I have faith in us that we'll make it work." Nate places the book on the nightstand and brushes my hair out of his face.

"Now that you know that Diana isn't your mother how was your distraction lunch with her?"

"As boring and pitiful when I met with Elizabeth for the first time. She lied straight to my face about being my mother and how she wanted to give Chuck and me a better life."

"Why do you seem hurt by it?" Nate asks probably because he can feel my tears falling down his chest.

"I've spent my whole life not wanting to know who my mother was and in the past two years two woman have come out claiming to be my mother and I've been left more heartbroken than I was before."

"Hey, you don't need them in your life. You've become an amazing woman without them. You're strong, independent, intelligent and many other reasons why I love you." Nate kisses my forehead as I snuggle closer to his chest.

"I know the accomplishments I've done in my young life, but Nate what if they're not enough. What if I'll never be happy?"

"Not even with me?"

"That's what scares me, Nate. The last time I felt this happy was when my career was taking off and Bart finally saw something in me. He understood I was made for more than what Chuck and I were giving him. He was proud of me and even made an effort to show up to my cotillion dance."

"And then he died."

"And that's when my whole world fell apart. After Bart's death, it was one disaster after another and it makes me wonder what the next one will be."

"What disasters?"

"The anniversary of Bart's death Serena was in an accident. Then I got in a relationship with Val to only deal with Elizabeth claiming to be my mother and then using Chuck to get his hotel and run him out of Bass Industries then with you. Finally, we told each other how we felt for one another and I lost my baby." I'm balling my eyes out at this point and I can't stop it.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here and I will always be here." I'm clinging to him even more as I worry about what the future as to hold for us.

"I love you, Nate Archibald. Like I've never loved anyone ever before."

"I've waited for you for what seems like a lifetime to hold you like this. I would do it again if it meant you could be mine."

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