I am Not Your Father

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Some of you will dislike me at the end of this chapter. This chapter is going to rock Ella's world. Thank you again for the feedback and the love. I enjoy hearing from you all. Enjoy this new chapter.

I changed into something more appropriate for this mysterious place we're heading to without knowing all of the facts. This whole meeting at this mysterious manor has me fearing the worse. Is knowing if Jack is our father worth possibly losing our lives over. Chuck seems confident whatever we find in this house we will be better off knowing than worrying about it for the rest of our lives. Nate hasn't let go of my hand since we've got into the limo. The anticipation of the unknown is killing me and the moment we pull up to the house I feel like I'm going to be sick.

The four of us head inside after Chuck entered a pass code to let us in. I wonder how he knew it but the important thing is that we were able to get it in and now we need to be able to get out without anyone finding us. I don't know where I thought we were heading to but what we saw inside was not what I expected. In every corner, there were scantly clad women lounging on silk cushions while older men admired them or even took them to a more secluded area. 

Now seeing where we're at I regret my choice in dress attire. I went for sexy but now I fear I may look like one of the escorts.

The further we get into this house the more men who's heads pop up when they see me

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The further we get into this house the more men who's heads pop up when they see me. Their eyes linger on me more than I would ever like them. I have this uneasy feeling as I passed them. Sure I've had people look at me a certain way at shows and events but never like this. I've never been seen as an object like these girls seem to be to them. This is a feeling I've never wanted to have and I want more than anything to run for the hills and get the hell out of dodge.

"Excuse me." Chuck says to one of the girls as we move around her to the main lounge area. Blair is just as shocked as me and we have no idea what we've just gotten ourselves into. A sex club is something that we're equipt to deal with.

"Who. This is not what I was expecting at all." Nate announces as he pulls me closer when he sees one of the men eyeing me.

"Nate, this is a sex club?" Blair holds her purse close to her not wanting anyone to come near her.

"It's more a roving brothel." We all eye Chuck as he speaks. How in the hell does he know about this? "Our father, well Bart belonged."

"Ah, that's how you knew the lockbox code." Nate says with joy in his voice. He's enjoying this scene way too much and we need him to stay focused. We need to find Jack and get the hell out of here before anyone else sees us.

"Jack's here. We just have to find him." Chuck states with confidence.

"How can you be sure?"

"No, Chuck's right. Jack is a deeply disturbed man and this wonderful uh place is just his cup of tea." I state eyeing our surroundings one more time.

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