Valentine's Day Sucks

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Get ready the drama is starting.

Nate's POV

I was able to get Lola's boss to give me her number. I know she said she doesn't want to be friends, but that's because she hasn't tried to get to know the real me. I only have a few short hours before I need to get ready for my night with Ella. I know she'll love what I have planned. I want this night to show her how much I love her and appreciate her being in my life. I have dinner planned followed by seeing one of our favorite Broadway shows then deserts. Everything is planned to and Ella has assured me her flight is running on schedule so she'll be landing just in time for me to pick her up for dinner. I dial Lola's number hoping she'll answer.

"Lola, hey it's Nate."


"Archibald. From the wedding."

"Oh, that Nate. The one I don't remember giving my number to. Yeah, well I might have put a little pressure on your boss."

"Blackmailing bosses may have been the reason I didn't give you my number in the first place."

"Hey, I only offered him some free advertising in the Spectator article technically, that's more a bribe. All right, either way, I just wanted to see if you changed your mind about us hanging out sometime."

"Like I said before Nate, being your friend has a lot of strings attached to it and I'm not ready to maneuver my way through all the drama."

"There's no drama."

"Really? Have you talked to Ella about our friendship because she wasn't too pleased the last time I saw her?"

"Hey, Ella and I've worked through our issues and us being friends has nothing to do with my love for my girlfriend. I just really clicked with you and I want to get to know you more. Show you that I'm not what you think I am. Come on we could be really good friends. I know you need some friends living in a city where you know no one."

"Hanging out Nate just isn't going to happen. I'm busy with the holiday's especially tonight. Thanks for wanting to get to know me, but no." She hangs up on me just like that and I'm left wondering if I'm that horrible of a person to have as a friend. All I can focus on is getting everything done so I can leave early.

I was just about to call it a day when Tina rushes into my office. "Why didn't you tell me about the party?"

"Which party?"

"The come as you were party. You're throwing here tonight. It's all over Gossip Girl. Dress as your high school self. That's awesome. I wish you would have given me a little more notice, though, I have to deck the place out. I have to get the gift bags ready. I have to..."

"Tina, I'm not throwing a party. All right? All I'm doing is getting work done and leave early so I can meet Ella for Valentine's day. This is someone's idea of a joke."

"It is?"


"Too bad, cause, that would have been great publicity for the spectator. Although it probably would have been impossible to find a cater this last minute." Then it dawned on me maybe this party is just what I need to show Lola I'm not this horrible person she thinks I am. This could work.

"Wait, wait. You know what? Why not? It is a good idea. All right, we'll see what you can pull together and I'll uh handle the caterer."

"And Ella?"

"Yeah, she's in midair right now and won't receive my text can you call her assistant to confirm the change in our plans. I'll make it up to her another night one that will be even better." Tina nods and heads off as I feverishly call to book Lola as my caterer. Ella's not going to like me changing our plans but it's not just for me it's also for my business.

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