Cotillion Scandal

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Thank you for all of the positive response on these books. I love hearing from each of you. Also I have been getting asked a lot about doing other books. I've mentioned before that when this book ends I will be doing rewrites so that everyone can have Ella end up with the person they want in at least one book. So stay tuned for those to be published.

Cotillion is the one place where you can prove everyone wrong through a simple introduction into high society. You are no longer seen as a young girl but more as an independent woman of high stature. I remember how everything changed for me during my cotillion. Some of the best and others for the worse. Going into this year's cotillion I am filled with nervous jitters beyond belief. I wasn't even this nervous when I was being presented. I remember that in fact, I wanted to just get that night over with. I was being escorted by a boy I didn't know. During that time, I wasn't aware that Bart would make the effort to see me and share a dance with me. That night four years ago was filled with such confusion and uncertainty that have somehow found their way into my life today. Why is it every time I attend cotillion I am left wondering about my future? This time my future is becoming a possible reality and it scares me.

I was so happy to see the event decorated to absolute perfection. Everyone was mingling with each other and so far, having a good time. I posed for a few pictures with Carter before heading over to check on how things are with the girls.

"Ella, can you help me with my dress?" I move to one of the girls who is having a malfunction with her straps. They keep falling down no matter how much she tightens them. Thankfully I came prepared with a whole kit of double-sided tap, small sewing kit, lace, and string all to help with last-minute dress issues.

"There this should do it." I say adding tape to the straps and even tugging on them to show that they will not move.

"Thank you, Ella. You are a lifesaver. Now, what order am I in again?" I pull out my list.

"You are after Sage Spence." I state just as Sage passes us. I eye her odd choice in wrap to go over her dress. I understand wanting to surprise everyone and ensure no one has the same dress but she is taking it a little too extreme with the weird sleeveless vest thing.

"Hello, Sage, do you need help with anything?" I ask her with a genuine smile.

"I don't need help from yesterday's news. This is my cotillion and I can handle myself."

"Well, I sure you can. I was just offering assistance, but seeing as you have everything under controlled I will leave you to it." I pass her and head over to give the lighting coordinator a last-minute rundown of how everything is going to go.

"After each girl is being presented they have five seconds to pose for Vogue and then you move the spotlight onto the next girl. Do not focus too long or we will get off schedule."

"Okay, what about the video montage that each girl is using?"

"Keep it rolling and when the last girl has been presented role the tap of all the girls that we made."

"Will do Ms. Bass." I make my way to the podium to announce the girls. Sadly, I have the worst luck and I must run into my father of all people.

"Ella, you look beautiful. This reminds me of when it was your cotillion." He plasters a smile on his face I still haven't gotten over everything Chuck told me about him possibly facing federal prison for trading with Sudan. He wants to act like everything is fine but as his damn business partner, I deserve to know what and who I am dealing with. He can forget me as his daughter as I can see we're only going to have a business relationship.

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