Goodbyes Are Never Easy

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Get ready for some tears to happen.

After visiting Nate at the precinct, I had to rush back to my apartment due to overwhelming nausea that hit. I was sick from pregnancy and now who my family is. Lily, who is one of the strongest women I know is having to hide from her own husband because she's afraid of what he will do. Chuck is doing everything he can to take Bart down and that means possibly losing everything he has. Bart is threatening our friends in jail if they don't do what he says. Whose father does shit like that?

Arthur was worried for me with how fast I ran to the front door. "Ms. Ella, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Arthur." I give him a hug before sending him on his way.

I was enjoying the rest of my day laying by the toilet not being able to keep anything else down or want to do anything else. I didn't' even hear when the front door opened.

"Babe! Are you okay? Arthur left me a text that you were feeling sick." Carter's footsteps get closer to the bathroom and he stops when he sees me. "Why didn't you call me? I would have come as soon as possible to..."

"Carter, I'm fine. It was just a little pregnancy sickness. It is nothing I can't handle." He helps me stand up and leads me to the sink so I can brush my teeth. He rubs my back.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Can you just uh order me some lunch."

"What would you like?"

"Just some chips, Margarita pizza, sprite, and some pickles."

"Is that all?" I whip my head around and glare at him. He raises his hands and backs out of the room. "No worries, I will have that here soon."

All I could do was wait for food and hope I could keep it down. I was surprised when I heard a knock on the front door. I thought it would take Carter longer than this to bring lunch.

"I'm coming. Did you get the pizza from our favorite place or..." I opened the door to see a distraught Chuck on the other side. "Chuck, what are you doing here?" He brings me into a bear crushing hug. He's careful not to squeeze too tight. "What is..."

"Ella, I don't have long. But I couldn't live with myself if I didn't see you."

"Chuck, what is going on?" I close the door and follow him inside. He can't stop pacing. I finally get him to sit down on the couch with me. "Please talk to me. What is going on?"

"Bart has given me an ultimatum."

"What did he say?"

"First he proved to me that he could get to Blair when I'm not looking and do anything he wants to her. He threatened her life."

"What! He is so dead when..." Chuck grabs my hands and holds it to his heart.

"You will do nothing!"

"Chuck, we can't just let him get away..."

"Ella! He threatened your life and your unborn child!"

"What?" My heart stopped hearing this.

"He is giving me no choice."

"What did he say? What is he making you do?" I take my brother's hand again fearing this is the last time I could see him.

"He's making fly to Moscow tonight."

"He can't do that. He has not right!"

"Ella, I'm doing this to keep you and Blair safe. Nate will be released from jail and no harm will go to you two. I need to know that you two are safe and if me leaving is what it takes then..."

"But what will happen to you?"

"I don't know, but you have your child, my niece or nephew, to worry about. You deserve a happy life."

"There is no life without you in it. I need my brother. We've been there for each other all our lives. If I was having a bad I could always lean on you and you would say something grotesque and perverted." We laughed at my joke. "But most of all you are my life. I would do anything for you."

"And I would do the same for you. But I need you to understand that whatever happens to me I will be okay. You and Blair and everyone else need to move on and live your lives."

"What is a life without Chuck Bass in it?"

"A dull one." I hug my brother and I feel the tears streaming down his face as it hits my shoulder. "Wherever I am in the world I will always love you, Ella. You have been with me since the beginning and I will be with you until the end."

"I will do everything I can to bring your home."

"Ella, don't do anything. Let it go."

"No! You're my brother I will do everything I can to bring you back to those you love. The bastard will not get away with this." Chuck's phone rings. He gives me a pained look as we know what this means.

"Call me when you land or somehow let me know that you're okay."

"I don't' know if I will be able to contact you, but I will find a way to let you and Blair know I'm okay." I kiss Chuck's cheek and hold onto him. I take in everything about my brother, worried this will be the end for us.

"I love you, Chuck."

"I love you, Ella." He places one last kiss on my forehead before leaving me wondering what this world has come to. How is one man allowed to destroy the lives of so many?

Carter didn't' understand why I didn't want any of my food. I told him I lost my appetite and just needed to get ready for Bart's function tonight. If I am going to talk to him I need to do it in a room full of witnesses so he doesn't try anything unexpected.

"Are you sure you want to go tonight?" Carter helps me into my dress.

"I have to speak with Bart and I only feel safe doing that in a public setting."

"I just worry that you're doing too much. You were sick all day."

"I've sick for longer reasons. Looking at Bart knowing what he's done makes my stomach ache."

"I just want you to realize you're not alone." I rest my hands around his neck.

"I'm never alone if I have you by my side." I kiss his cheek and lead him to the front door so we can make it on time.

Arthur had the night off and I Carter had a driver ready to take us. There was light traffic. I was nervous about what I was going to say to Bart. He's proven he will do the unthinkable and sending Chuck to Moscow was that. Carter reaches for my hand.

"I've been thinking of where we could live when the baby is born and here." Carter shows me the design for one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen.

"Uh...when did you have time for this?"

"I've been designing this for us since this summer. It will be finished hopefully in time for our child's birth."

"You've given this a lot of thought."

"I take our future very seriously. I meant what I said. I will be here for you and our baby no matter what happens."

"I'm sorry to say no matter the sex of the baby, if it's a boy he will not be Carter Jr. I hate the idea of a junior."

"What really? I mean how cute would it be to call him C.J. and..."


"Come one give it a chance."


"Babe, it would be..."

"Carter!" Screeching of tires and metal hitting metal is all I can hear. I feel our car being flipped upside down and then being suspended upside down with only our seat belts holding us in. Glass is everywhere. I try to regain some consciousness, as I turned to see if Carter is okay I see the lights of a vehicle coming towards us not stopping.

What will Ella and Carter's fate be? Will they make it out alive?

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